this is my rail thread, will post bust hands and current br updates after each tourney.
my lock screen name is pokerangel21 email [email protected]
$10 to run i think 6 of them if my maths correct, or 7.
GL us..
Thanks for the opportunity.
Printable View
this is my rail thread, will post bust hands and current br updates after each tourney.
my lock screen name is pokerangel21 email [email protected]
$10 to run i think 6 of them if my maths correct, or 7.
GL us..
Thanks for the opportunity.
tourney ID # 14622251 3rd place profit $1.10 Current BR 11.10
tourney ID # 14622182 1st place profit $5.15 Current BR 16.25
tourney ID # 14622333 2nd place Profit= $2.45 Current BR 18.70
3 games, 3 cashes. not bad
was 4/5 had JJ lose allin to A5.. was 5/5 with under 500 chips.. FYI
all 3 games i made loose calls to end them, and they were all right, makes me feel good about it. 87 suited even money vs a6 suited. i couldve grinded harder though i suppose.. any thoughts?
Hand#3328DF1E7D000061 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622333 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 16:24:59
Dealer: Seat 3
Seat 2: pokerangel21 (3,238 in chips)
Seat 3: josecs (10,262 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts ante of 25
josecs: posts ante of 25
josecs: posts small blind 125
pokerangel21: posts big blind 250
Dealt to pokerangel21 [8s,7s]
josecs: is all in 10,112
pokerangel21: is all in 2,963
josecs: returns uncalled bet 7,024
pokerangel21: shows [8s 7s]
josecs: shows [Ac 6c]
*** FLOP *** [Kh,Kc,Ah]
pokerangel21 chats: gg
*** TURN *** [6d]
pokerangel21 chats: nh
*** RIVER *** [3d]
josecs wins 6,476 with Two Pairs Aces and Kings
pokerangel21 finished 2 out of 9 players.
this game here was dirty i had AJ lose to A8.. and then 6's lose to A 7... was 4/4.. held on for 3rd.. dont mind 10 9 suited vs q5 suited guy was playin like a fool.. just lost the pot
Hand#3328DF1E2B000072 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622251 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 40/200/400 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 16:22:04
Dealer: Seat 7
Seat 4: phil767 (4,970 in chips)
Seat 7: Razzmut (6,656 in chips)
Seat 8: pokerangel21 (1,874 in chips)
phil767: posts ante of 40
Razzmut: posts ante of 40
pokerangel21: posts ante of 40
pokerangel21: posts small blind 200
phil767: posts big blind 400
Dealt to pokerangel21 [9c,Tc]
Razzmut: folds
pokerangel21: is all in 1,634
phil767: calls 1,434
phil767: shows [5c Qc]
pokerangel21: shows [9c Tc]
*** FLOP *** [5s,4s,3h]
*** TURN *** [5h]
*** RIVER *** [Jd]
phil767 wins 3,788 with Three of a Kind Fives
pokerangel21 finished 3 out of 9 players.
again we were dead even in chips, so you might say why call with k9 off here.. only reason was this guy just busted the other 3 players in a span of 5 hands, one of which showing J 8 offsuit.. i knew his range was anything.. i didnt mind seeing a2.. 58/42 his favor but i was able to hit the win.. any other thoughts? probably finish the tourneys stronger i would say, but heads up is a beast, hand ranges change.. what do u all think about my 3 hands
Hand#3328DF1DE6000058 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622182 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 30/150/300 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 16:24:26
Dealer: Seat 10
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (6,750 in chips)
Seat 10: PLUCKYDUCKY (6,750 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts ante of 30
PLUCKYDUCKY: posts ante of 30
PLUCKYDUCKY: posts small blind 150
pokerangel21: posts big blind 300
Dealt to pokerangel21 [9c,Ks]
PLUCKYDUCKY: is all in 6,570
pokerangel21: is all in 6,420
pokerangel21: shows [9c Ks]
PLUCKYDUCKY: shows [2h As]
*** FLOP *** [Qs,9d,7d]
*** TURN *** [Tc]
*** RIVER *** [8c]
pokerangel21 chats: GG
pokerangel21 wins 13,500 with Pair of Nines
pokerangel21 finished 1 out of 9 players.
Player left the table
running 3 more then going to dinner.. ill be back in a few hours.. will send funds back to staker til im back.
tourney ID # 14622973 6th.. 3 outer obv
tourney ID # 14622921 4th.. was 1/4 lost with top set of course
tourney ID # 14623156 5th
-4.80 in session
current bankroll 13.90.. still up 4 but pretty angry about that last run.. played the same way 3 games at a time, not same results, but if u notice, im never out early.. always in it late, and cant help fade the bad beats
well the lucky donks hit me lost all 3 on bullshit of course
Hand#3329DF20C9000056 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622921 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 17:54:43
Dealer: Seat 2
Seat 1: jarofhearts (2,957 in chips)
Seat 2: pokerangel21 (4,931 in chips)
Seat 5: Razzmut (3,099 in chips)
Seat 7: Crayon0958 (2,513 in chips)
jarofhearts: posts ante of 25
pokerangel21: posts ante of 25
Razzmut: posts ante of 25
Crayon0958: posts ante of 25
Razzmut: posts small blind 125
Crayon0958: posts big blind 250
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Tc,Th]
jarofhearts: folds
pokerangel21: raises to 734
Razzmut: calls 609
Crayon0958: folds
*** FLOP *** [2c,8c,Ts]
Razzmut: bets 1,250
pokerangel21: calls 1,250
*** TURN *** [9c]
pokerangel21 chats: gg donk
Razzmut: bets 500
pokerangel21: raises to 1,000
Razzmut: is all in 590
pokerangel21: calls 90
pokerangel21: shows [Tc Th]
Razzmut: shows [Jc Qc]
*** RIVER *** [Jh]
Razzmut wins 6,498 with Flush Queen high
Hand#3329DF20FD000031 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622973 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 15/75/150 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 17:41:08
Dealer: Seat 1
Seat 1: pokerangel21 (853 in chips)
Seat 2: jarofhearts (1,455 in chips)
Seat 5: Flgolfdude (2,661 in chips)
Seat 7: Hei$enberg (2,947 in chips)
Seat 9: billluckyyou (2,943 in chips)
Seat 10: ChaosPilot (2,641 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts ante of 15
jarofhearts: posts ante of 15
Flgolfdude: posts ante of 15
Hei$enberg: posts ante of 15
billluckyyou: posts ante of 15
ChaosPilot: posts ante of 15
jarofhearts: posts small blind 75
Flgolfdude: posts big blind 150
Dealt to pokerangel21 [6h,As]
Hei$enberg: folds
billluckyyou: folds
ChaosPilot: folds
pokerangel21: is all in 838
jarofhearts: folds
Flgolfdude: calls 688
pokerangel21: shows [6h As]
Flgolfdude: shows [Ad 3d]
*** FLOP *** [4s,8d,9h]
pokerangel21 chats: 6 me
*** TURN *** [Ac]
*** RIVER *** [3h]
pokerangel21 chats: wow
Flgolfdude wins 1,841 with Two Pairs Aces and Threes
pokerangel21 chats: fk that
pokerangel21 finished 6 out of 9 players.
59 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14622921 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 25/125/250 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/16 - 17:56:10
Dealer: Seat 1
Seat 1: jarofhearts (2,982 in chips)
Seat 2: pokerangel21 (2,007 in chips)
Seat 5: Razzmut (6,448 in chips)
Seat 7: Crayon0958 (2,063 in chips)
jarofhearts: posts ante of 25
pokerangel21: posts ante of 25
Razzmut: posts ante of 25
Crayon0958: posts ante of 25
pokerangel21: posts small blind 125
Razzmut: posts big blind 250
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Tc,Kh]
Crayon0958: folds
jarofhearts: folds
pokerangel21: is all in 1,857
Razzmut: calls 1,732
pokerangel21: shows [Tc Kh]
Razzmut: shows [Ah 7c]
*** FLOP *** [4s,8c,5h]
*** TURN *** [6d]
*** RIVER *** [2c]
Razzmut wins 4,064 with Straight Eight high
Player left the table
current br 13.90
shipped 12.50 keeping $1.40
will continue later upon stakers terms.
not too bad of a start. i was happy with it I suppose
Nice Job. LMK when you want to start again.
14622973 Revolution 05/16/2013 06:06 PM NL Hold'em $1.5 + $0.1 6/9
14623156 Revolution 05/16/2013 06:04 PM NL Hold'em $1.5 + $0.1 5/9
14622921 Revolution 05/16/2013 06:02 PM NL Hold'em $1.5 + $0.1 4/9
14622333 Revolution 05/16/2013 04:25 PM NL Hold'em $1.5 + $0.1 2/9
14622182 Revolution 05/16/2013 04:24 PM NL Hold'em $1.5 + $0.1 1/9
14622251 Revolution 05/16/2013 04:23 PM NL Hold'em $1.5 + $0.1 3/9
Nice lil session. Keep up the good work.
ok another $10 sent by staker..
will be running as many of the 1.60 turbo 9 mans i can tonight
may have to move to the hyper turbos as the night moves on.
will post tourney ID's here. New Session. We already split up the last money.
tourney ID # 14625603 3rd plus $1.10 BR at 11.10
tourney ID # 14625149 6th, fuckin lost to 7 4 off for the big cihp stack -1.60 BR at 9.50
tourney ID # 14625768 9th Aces cracked -1.60 BR at 7.90
jesus fucking mother fucking christ AA lose to KJ.. A8 loses to 7 4 off.. we need to move to different levels bro i dont want to donk around with these idiots, look at these hands. its pathetic anyone plays poker this way.
Hand#3329DF297D000032 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625149 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:09:59
Dealer: Seat 4
Seat 3: big daddy 61 (3,429 in chips)
Seat 4: PLUCKYDUCKY (1,372 in chips)
Seat 5: MLind28 (1,471 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (3,912 in chips)
Seat 8: BeauFlecks (3,170 in chips)
Seat 10: Flipxican (146 in chips)
big daddy 61: posts ante of 20
PLUCKYDUCKY: posts ante of 20
MLind28: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
BeauFlecks: posts ante of 20
Flipxican: posts ante of 20
MLind28: posts small blind 100
pokerangel21: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Ac,8c]
BeauFlecks: folds
Flipxican: folds
big daddy 61: folds
MLind28: is all in 1,351
pokerangel21: calls 1,251
MLind28: shows [4h 7c]
pokerangel21: shows [Ac 8c]
*** FLOP *** [2s,Jd,Qc]
*** TURN *** [7s]
*** RIVER *** [Kd]
pokerangel21 chats: f**
MLind28 wins 3,022 with Pair of Sevens
Hand#3329DF2BE8000006 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625768 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/15/30 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:19:15
Dealer: Seat 7
Seat 1: MDDW36 (1,440 in chips)
Seat 2: lonewolfkid (1,480 in chips)
Seat 3: natalibez (2,010 in chips)
Seat 4: Dimidrolsl (1,785 in chips)
Seat 5: vghaz (1,390 in chips)
Seat 7: Ladyup2c (1,215 in chips)
Seat 8: bigcatlaflar (1,470 in chips)
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (1,270 in chips)
Seat 10: kellyd77 (1,440 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts small blind 15
pokerangel21: posts big blind 30
Dealt to pokerangel21 [As,Ac]
kellyd77: calls 30
MDDW36: folds
lonewolfkid: folds
natalibez: folds
Dimidrolsl: folds
vghaz: folds
Ladyup2c: folds
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: raises to 105
kellyd77: calls 75
*** FLOP *** [Ks,2h,6s]
pokerangel21: bets 210
kellyd77: calls 210
*** TURN *** [Jd]
pokerangel21: bets 420
kellyd77: raises to 840
pokerangel21: is all in 535
kellyd77: calls 115
pokerangel21: shows [As Ac]
kellyd77: shows [Js Kd]
pokerangel21 chats: lol
*** RIVER *** [Qc]
kellyd77 wins 2,555 with Two Pairs Kings and Jacks
pokerangel21 chats: fa g
pokerangel21 finished 9 out of 9 players.
just gotta keep grindin the donks down. on to the next one
OK, i'm callin it a nite. GL and cya in the AM
lmao rofl 2nd hand of the fkn sng.. last game was 5th hand AA losing.. now i bink flush on turn.. he ships it and hits 4 outer on river
Hand#3329DF2D6A000002 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14626154 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/10/20 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:49:06
Dealer: Seat 2
Seat 1: pokerangel21 (1,480 in chips)
Seat 2: lonewolfkid (1,490 in chips)
Seat 3: kiminktable (1,570 in chips)
Seat 4: rossella46 (1,500 in chips)
Seat 5: Giant_Raider (1,500 in chips)
Seat 7: Sub_xlll (1,480 in chips)
Seat 8: Husker2 (1,500 in chips)
Seat 9: bigcatlaflar (1,500 in chips)
Seat 10: natalibez (1,480 in chips)
kiminktable: posts small blind 10
rossella46: posts big blind 20
Dealt to pokerangel21 [3d,Td]
Giant_Raider: folds
Sub_xlll: calls 20
Husker2: folds
bigcatlaflar: folds
natalibez: folds
pokerangel21: calls 20
lonewolfkid: folds
kiminktable: raises to 100
rossella46: folds
Sub_xlll: calls 80
pokerangel21: calls 80
*** FLOP *** [Js,Ad,7d]
kiminktable: bets 320
Sub_xlll: folds
pokerangel21: calls 320
*** TURN *** [Jd]
kiminktable: bets 960
pokerangel21: is all in 1,060
kiminktable: calls 100
pokerangel21: shows [3d Td]
kiminktable: shows [Ah Ks]
*** RIVER *** [Jc]
kiminktable wins 3,080 with Full House Jacks full of Aces
pokerangel21 finished 9 out of 9 players.
UGH check last 4 hands of heads up.. 2nd place and last 3 hands KK QQ 66 and no action then he calls me when i got a7..oh well
Hand#3329DF2BFE000054 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:59:21
Dealer: Seat 7
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,880 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (4,620 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts small blind 100
bigcatlaflar: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [6h,6c]
pokerangel21: calls 100
bigcatlaflar: checks
*** FLOP *** [Tc,Ks,Ts]
bigcatlaflar: checks
pokerangel21: bets 440
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 440
pokerangel21: shows [6h 6c]
pokerangel21 wins 440
Hand#3329DF2BFE000055 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:59:43
Dealer: Seat 5
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,660 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (4,840 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
bigcatlaflar: posts small blind 100
pokerangel21: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Kd,Kc]
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 100
pokerangel21: mucks
pokerangel21 wins 240
Hand#3329DF2BFE000056 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:59:50
Dealer: Seat 7
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,540 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (4,960 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts small blind 100
bigcatlaflar: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Qd,Qc]
pokerangel21: raises to 640
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 440
pokerangel21: mucks
pokerangel21 wins 440
Hand#3329DF2BFE000057 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:00:00
Dealer: Seat 5
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,320 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (5,180 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
bigcatlaflar: posts small blind 100
pokerangel21: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [7d,Ah]
bigcatlaflar: raises to 400
pokerangel21: is all in 4,960
bigcatlaflar: calls 4,760
bigcatlaflar: shows [Ac Kd]
pokerangel21: shows [7d Ah]
*** FLOP *** [9s,6c,Ks]
*** TURN *** [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [5c]
bigcatlaflar wins 10,360 with Pair of Kings
Player left the table
tourney ID # 14626154 out 2nd hand.. u might think this is a loose play on my end, but if you notice its 2nd hand, and i was in position, i flopped the draw, i knew EXACTLY the guys range on the flop when he bet 400 into the pot, many people fold here, which is probably right move this early in tourney, but i knew if i hit, he would ship it. Hit it on turn, he hit miracle on river
-1.60 current BR 6.30
tourney ID # 14625790 wow look at the last 4 hands of heads up... KK QQ 66.. then a7.. he calls me wen i got a7 of course.. i hate that shouldve won, he got lucky a few hands before that as well..
profit $2.55 current bR 8.85
Hand#3329DF2BFE000054 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:59:21
Dealer: Seat 7
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,880 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (4,620 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts small blind 100
bigcatlaflar: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [6h,6c]
pokerangel21: calls 100
bigcatlaflar: checks
*** FLOP *** [Tc,Ks,Ts]
bigcatlaflar: checks
pokerangel21: bets 440
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 440
pokerangel21: shows [6h 6c]
pokerangel21 wins 440
Hand#3329DF2BFE000055 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:59:43
Dealer: Seat 5
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,660 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (4,840 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
bigcatlaflar: posts small blind 100
pokerangel21: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Kd,Kc]
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 100
pokerangel21: mucks
pokerangel21 wins 240
Hand#3329DF2BFE000056 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 00:59:50
Dealer: Seat 7
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,540 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (4,960 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts small blind 100
bigcatlaflar: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Qd,Qc]
pokerangel21: raises to 640
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 440
pokerangel21: mucks
pokerangel21 wins 440
Hand#3329DF2BFE000057 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625790 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 20/100/200 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:00:00
Dealer: Seat 5
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (8,320 in chips)
Seat 7: pokerangel21 (5,180 in chips)
bigcatlaflar: posts ante of 20
pokerangel21: posts ante of 20
bigcatlaflar: posts small blind 100
pokerangel21: posts big blind 200
Dealt to pokerangel21 [7d,Ah]
bigcatlaflar: raises to 400
pokerangel21: is all in 4,960
bigcatlaflar: calls 4,760
bigcatlaflar: shows [Ac Kd]
pokerangel21: shows [7d Ah]
*** FLOP *** [9s,6c,Ks]
*** TURN *** [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [5c]
bigcatlaflar wins 10,360 with Pair of Kings
Player left the table
wow back to back 2nd hands of the last 2 sngs.. first one i busted with flush guy rivered boat, this one guy turned boat, i rivered flush, but i didnt lose but 200 chips.. nut flush on this board.. and i played it so soft.. wish i could play this way every time but what a read i made here.
Hand#3329DF2CBF000003 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625983 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/10/20 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:06:30
Dealer: Seat 3
Seat 1: joemagma (1,500 in chips)
Seat 2: lonewolfkid (1,710 in chips)
Seat 3: gnappo85 (1,280 in chips)
Seat 4: DIVERSANT.KA (1,665 in chips)
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (1,500 in chips)
Seat 7: kiminktable (1,500 in chips)
Seat 8: BaddKarma80 (1,385 in chips)
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (1,500 in chips)
Seat 10: DayForNight (1,460 in chips)
DIVERSANT.KA: posts small blind 10
bigcatlaflar: posts big blind 20
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Ks,6s]
kiminktable: folds
BaddKarma80: folds
pokerangel21: calls 20
DayForNight: folds
joemagma: calls 20
lonewolfkid: folds
gnappo85: calls 20
bigcatlaflar: checks
*** FLOP *** [9c,9s,5d]
bigcatlaflar: checks
pokerangel21: checks
joemagma: checks
gnappo85: checks
*** TURN *** [Qs]
bigcatlaflar: checks
pokerangel21: checks
joemagma: checks
gnappo85: checks
*** RIVER *** [As]
bigcatlaflar: checks
pokerangel21: bets 90
joemagma: folds
gnappo85: raises to 180
bigcatlaflar: folds
pokerangel21: calls 90
gnappo85: shows [9h Qd] (Full House Nines full of Queens)
pokerangel21: mucks
gnappo85 wins 450 with Full House Nines full of Queens
pokerangel21: mucks [Ks,6s] (Flush) .
never got it going here, first one i really didnt have much of an opportunity, still got it in 45/55 not bad
Hand#3329DF2CBF000021 - Turbo NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625983 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.1 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/50/100 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:22:26
Dealer: Seat 5
Seat 1: joemagma (2,605 in chips)
Seat 4: DIVERSANT.KA (1,080 in chips)
Seat 5: bigcatlaflar (1,520 in chips)
Seat 7: kiminktable (2,180 in chips)
Seat 8: BaddKarma80 (3,230 in chips)
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (463 in chips)
Seat 10: DayForNight (2,422 in chips)
kiminktable: posts small blind 50
BaddKarma80: posts big blind 100
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Js,Ks]
pokerangel21: is all in 463
DayForNight: folds
joemagma: folds
DIVERSANT.KA: is all in 1,080
bigcatlaflar: folds
kiminktable: folds
BaddKarma80: folds
DIVERSANT.KA: returns uncalled bet 617
DIVERSANT.KA: shows [9s 9h]
pokerangel21: shows [Js Ks]
*** FLOP *** [3d,5d,5c]
*** TURN *** [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [8c]
DIVERSANT.KA wins 1,076 with Two Pairs Nines and Fives
pokerangel21 finished 7 out of 9 players.
Dealer: Seat 7
current BR -1.60 = 6.95
ROFL LMFAO i play one hyper turbo because the other games arent registering and this the donkey dipshit type of shit i lose to.. perfect spot i was in.. cant believe guy limped called a7 6 hands into sng still first level even tho its a hyper turbo, no need for a7 when i seen his hand i was stoked with 8's but then bink theres an ace
Hand#3329DF2909000004 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14625033 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/15/30 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:32:03
Dealer: Seat 8
Seat 1: A.Kotelkin (270 in chips)
Seat 2: freezer2 (382 in chips)
Seat 3: zaebumba. (278 in chips)
Seat 8: shipsinker (360 in chips)
Seat 9: rnr6pac (270 in chips)
Seat 10: pokerangel21 (240 in chips)
rnr6pac: posts small blind 15
pokerangel21: posts big blind 30
Dealt to pokerangel21 [8s,8h]
A.Kotelkin: folds
freezer2: calls 30
zaebumba.: folds
shipsinker: folds
rnr6pac: folds
pokerangel21: is all in 210
freezer2: calls 210
freezer2: shows [7s As]
pokerangel21: shows [8s 8h]
*** FLOP *** [Ac,Th,6s]
*** TURN *** [4d]
*** RIVER *** [Jh]
freezer2 wins 495 with Pair of Aces
pokerangel21 finished 6 out of 6 players.
-1.60 current br = 5.35
well, got 2nd in a hyper turbo to boost bankroll, but first stolen from me AK to a5.. man what a bad run tonight.. coudlve been up big instead not even yet.. its gettin late im in a non turbo 1.70 9 man 4/5 tryin to cash top 3 and then hit the sack even on the night..
OH WOW as i was typing this i lost in that game 10's to Aces wow fml lol
Hand#3329DF2C0C000017 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14625804 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/25/50 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:58:08
Dealer: Seat 9
Seat 1: falco2 (1,365 in chips)
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (435 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts small blind 25
falco2: posts big blind 50
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Ac,Kd]
pokerangel21: is all in 410
falco2: calls 385
falco2: shows [Ad 5d]
pokerangel21: shows [Ac Kd]
*** FLOP *** [6d,Js,5s]
*** TURN *** [Td]
pokerangel21 chats: wow
*** RIVER *** [6s]
pokerangel21 chats: what a joke
falco2 wins 870 with Two Pairs Sixes and Fives
pokerangel21 finished 2 out of 6 players.
Hand#3329DF2BCB000045 - NLH 9-max - $1.50 T14625739 -- CASH -- $1.5 + $0.2 -- 9 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/50/100 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 01:59:56
Dealer: Seat 2
Seat 1: kiminktable (3,198 in chips)
Seat 2: AvitoA (1,878 in chips)
Seat 3: pokerangel21 (2,561 in chips)
Seat 5: rokko66 (3,048 in chips)
Seat 8: natalibez (966 in chips)
Seat 10: tkbunz (1,849 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts small blind 50
rokko66: posts big blind 100
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Ts,Td]
natalibez: calls 100
tkbunz: folds
kiminktable: raises to 450
AvitoA: folds
pokerangel21: is all in 2,511
rokko66: folds
natalibez: folds
kiminktable: calls 2,111
kiminktable: shows [As Ah]
pokerangel21: shows [Ts Td]
*** FLOP *** [Qd,5c,7d]
*** TURN *** [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [Jd]
pokerangel21 chats: nh gg
kiminktable wins 5,322 with Two Pairs Aces and Queens
Player left the table
first game profit 1.44 BR = 6.76
2nd game -1.60 current BR 5.16
running last game of night one more hyper turbo.. if i lose im done as id be under $5
14625417 Hyper turbo
ugh 2nd place profit 1.44
current BR 6.60
OH YEAH why not I cant get a FIRST Place to save my life in this sesh.. this idiot shipps k6 and triples, then i cant get AK to beat 99
Hand#3329DF2A89000018 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14625417 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/25/50 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 02:19:42
Dealer: Seat 8
Seat 3: pokerangel21 (1,145 in chips)
Seat 8: super_tilt (655 in chips)
super_tilt: posts small blind 25
pokerangel21: posts big blind 50
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Ah,5c]
super_tilt: is all in 630
pokerangel21: calls 605
pokerangel21: shows [Ah 5c]
super_tilt: shows [6c Kh]
*** FLOP *** [7s,Js,6d]
*** TURN *** [2d]
*** RIVER *** [3h]
super_tilt wins 1,310 with Pair of Sixes
Hand#3329DF2A89000021 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14625417 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/25/50 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 02:20:25
Dealer: Seat 3
Seat 3: pokerangel21 (565 in chips)
Seat 8: super_tilt (1,235 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts small blind 25
super_tilt: posts big blind 50
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Ad,Kc]
pokerangel21: is all in 540
super_tilt: calls 515
pokerangel21: shows [Ad Kc]
super_tilt: shows [9h 9s]
*** FLOP *** [8s,4d,4h]
*** TURN *** [6s]
*** RIVER *** [7s]
super_tilt wins 1,130 with Two Pairs Nines and Fours
pokerangel21 finished 2 out of 6 players.
ugh another 2nd place at least im still moving up.. argh check this hand even when i get lucky it doesnt hold we chop pot
Hand#3329DF2F14000023 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14626580 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/30/60 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 02:32:19
Dealer: Seat 10
Seat 3: pokerangel21 (356 in chips)
Seat 10: jolly49 (1,444 in chips)
jolly49: posts small blind 30
pokerangel21: posts big blind 60
Dealt to pokerangel21 [5s,Ac]
jolly49: raises to 120
pokerangel21: is all in 296
jolly49: calls 236
pokerangel21: shows [5s Ac]
jolly49: shows [Kc As]
*** FLOP *** [3h,2d,5h]
*** TURN *** [9d]
*** RIVER *** [4d]
pokerangel21 chats: wow
pokerangel21 wins 356 with Straight Five high
jolly49 wins 356 with Straight Five high
pokerangel21 chats: why not
profit 1.44 current br = 8.04... movin back from the $5 mark.. had a weird run tonight im cashing alot but no wins.. since the first one
im really gettin tired its almost 3 am ive been grindin 4 hours or so played maybe 15 sngs maybe a few more im not counting
i may do one or two more
chea buddy glad i didnt go to bed, 4/5 cashes in these hyper turbos 3 2nds and now a firsttttttt woot back green gonna do one more to play rush.. lol who knows when i go to bed imo.. j/k i got 15 min maybe but this last one took 8 min so i should be good. these games go quickly
Hand#3329DF2FD4000019 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14626772 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/25/50 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 02:46:29
Dealer: Seat 9
Seat 1: toro2008 (590 in chips)
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (1,210 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts small blind 25
toro2008: posts big blind 50
Dealt to pokerangel21 [2c,Ad]
pokerangel21: raises to 150
toro2008: calls 100
*** FLOP *** [2s,3d,Jh]
toro2008: checks
pokerangel21: is all in 1,060
toro2008: is all in 440
pokerangel21: returns uncalled bet 620
toro2008: shows [4h As]
pokerangel21: shows [2c Ad]
*** TURN *** [Jd]
*** RIVER *** [8s]
pokerangel21 chats: eas
pokerangel21 wins 1,180 with Two Pairs Jacks and deuces
pokerangel21 chats: easy
like my easy line lol.. far from it, grinded hours for that last one, satisfying to hold up best hand on flop in a spot such as this one.
profit 3.96 Current Br 12.00 (up 2 bucks woooot) lol
THIS IS HOW WE DO IT! 2 wins in a row simultaneously in about 10 minutes time from first hand on i just had good cards and picked spots right.. allin or fold tourneys.. doin much better in these then i do the regular turbos.. sometimes i get impatient.. these hyper turbos are good for me if i grinded 100 of them.. i believe at the higher levels this may be the best way for me to profit at a sit n go level. or 6 max.. just food for thought.. i also am a great MTT player thats where i pride myself.
look at read with jack high lol i raised and thought about folding but put him on 4's at best and he had 9 6 off lmfao
Hand#3329DF3068000013 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14626920 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/25/50 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 03:06:09
Dealer: Seat 3
Seat 1: oh jane (555 in chips)
Seat 3: pokerangel21 (1,245 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts small blind 25
oh jane: posts big blind 50
Dealt to pokerangel21 [Js,7d]
pokerangel21: raises to 150
oh jane: is all in 505
pokerangel21: calls 405
oh jane: shows [9h 6s]
pokerangel21: shows [Js 7d]
*** FLOP *** [2d,3h,5c]
*** TURN *** [2s]
*** RIVER *** [5d]
pokerangel21 chats: GG
pokerangel21 wins 1,110 with Two Pairs Fives and deuces with Jack kicker
pokerangel21 finished 1 out of 6 players.
GOT THIS DONK BACK he nailed me a few games ago heads up and now it was my turn. flopped him hard.
Hand#3329DF306E000012 - Hyper Turbo NLH 6-max - $1.50 T14626926 -- CASH -- $1.4 + $0.1 -- 6 Max -- Table 1 -- 0/20/40 NL Hold'em -- 2013/05/17 - 03:05:20
Dealer: Seat 9
Seat 1: super_tilt (820 in chips)
Seat 9: pokerangel21 (980 in chips)
pokerangel21: posts small blind 20
super_tilt: posts big blind 40
Dealt to pokerangel21 [8c,Qc]
pokerangel21: calls 20
super_tilt: checks
*** FLOP *** [6c,Qd,8d]
super_tilt: bets 40
pokerangel21: raises to 200
super_tilt: is all in 740
pokerangel21: calls 580
super_tilt: shows [Qh Td]
pokerangel21: shows [8c Qc]
*** TURN *** [7s]
*** RIVER *** [Kc]
pokerangel21 chats: gg donkey boy
pokerangel21 wins 1,640 with Two Pairs Queens and Eights
pokerangel21 finished 1 out of 6 players.
( gg donkey boy) lollll
profit plus 3.96
profit plus 3.96
Current BR 19.91
ran a total of 23 sngs tonight by my count cookies. this is last post im going to bed on a hot streak, prob should keep playing, but im tired.
if you like to read novels you can read thru my HH's lol. I post detailed rails I hope thats something you can appreciate.
I would like to think im off to a good start of showing you I can outlast variance if grinding for hours at at a time.
Have a good night guys Ill be up late tomorrow lololol
Good job.. Kill it
Good lil run last nite. 2 mistakes.
1. you are staked to run 9 mans. not 6 mans. I stated you can run hyper, turbo, or regulars. But, not 6 mans. ( I realize this may be your strong suit, but stakes should be run by the terms stated.)
2. at the end of your stake you should always send me my share after ending in winnings. $16.44 should be my end please ship back. If I'm not around you can always check in your admin history for where to send it back too.
Other than that, Good Run. I think you said you ran 23? does that include the ones from the session before? Either way, let's get to 100 of these as soon asap. I like wat I see so far.
In b4 OP and Cookies are both millionaires. Stack that paper... I have been talking 2 Lil G 2 much. GOGOGOGOGO
Oh shit, im not sure why i wasnt thinking about that. My bad.. Im glad i was able to get my roll up off the 6 mans though but next time ill make sure to do what you want me to.
sending your share right now.
and I believe the 23 ran were not including yesterdays run. i believe ive ran 29 in total now. could be off be a couple i havent counted thats just an estimate