Lock for Sale
If you use Netspend or GDMP for Lock I will add 30% to your lock send. ie $100 GDMP gets you $130 in Lock Poker $$$
Under $5 will be 405 per $1
Under $10 will be 395 per $1
$25 and over will be 385 per $1
I am always Buying Lock for 150 points per $1
I always buy BCP/ACR for 500 points per $1
Send to:
ACR: SendCookies
BCP: SendMeCookies
Setup marketplace for points and PM/Bubble/or Find me in Chat.
Selling ACR/BCP for 600 per $1 (Zab is 510 per $1 for $25 redeems)
I am always buyin SwC chips for PO points or GDMP. Check w/ me for current rates at the time you have the SwC chips to trade. (Do not ask me hypothetical offers. ie. I will have 3 btc next monday, how much?)
I also loan SwC chips for short term loans but, you can only pay me back in SwC or BTC.
TY all n GL at the tables.
Results 1 to 5 of 5
Threaded View
05-13-2013, 01:32 PM #1
Lock 4 Sale: 385 to 405 per $1. Selling/Buying ACR/BCP Always Buying SwC for points
Last edited by SendCookies; 05-13-2013 at 01:38 PM.