$5, gonna pay back as soon as possible, he can berate me here if I take longer than expected. :cool:
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$5, gonna pay back as soon as possible, he can berate me here if I take longer than expected. :cool:
confirmed. will berate
by tomorrow when you get paid
Whats the time frame so I can count down to the berating
~28 hours lol
this thread was supposed to be for a few hours n turned into 8 days
i feel a berating coming
Could you loan me $500 for a week, and if I don't pay you can 'Super Berate' me
This mf'er totally has klepto tendencies, I hope you guys are aware of this when you're loaning to him or otherwise getting his begging ass into some action somewhere. I learned the hard way that he has no problem with fucking someone over who is doing a favor for him, as long as it will benefit him that much more.
pay up sucka
bump for no contact....no pm's, no follow up in thread. lol @ $5
Attachment 2930
cmon doc i called this half hour after you loaned him. degens will be degens and pray is an uberdegen. he will pay im sure but super late as called
I just hope he didn't go rob a bank or something crazy like that to pay. Guess have to pray.
a PM or some communication would be cool
i think its safe to say that loaning to this degen is ill advised. 2 loans in past 2 weeks and has been late on both by a huge margin, still owes 1 of them. also the guy lacks basic communication skills. he borrows n disappears til he can pay it back. keep this in mind PO community when dealing with pray
Pray u poopy pants pay up.
you want to sell this loan to me doc? i'll buy it for 99 cents.
IF we can get a good berating going ill sell u it for .98
for 98 cents i'll fucking hunt him down and berating him 24/7 to get my 98 cents worth.
Attachment 2949
I still loaned him First....guess I should go back and look if he paid
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
~Douglas Adams
why you bumpin? supposed to be berating. I don't know what to think anymore
i see the berating has begun........maybe we should Pray on this??
Shoulda loaned me...I guarantee dbl return w/in 24 hrs. Doc u should let me shoot u in the foot for loaning lilg/dk's triplet.
You all will eventually learn that lilg/dk/pray4spades are all just hopeless, sucker fish. FEED ME FEED ME...Dont feed em, they starve..Problem solved
the focus is on the douchebaggery of going MIA over a $5 loan and apparently 4k points to ricki...that ~$13 though
bump for funny memes
Thatz a baaaad number, he will be unlucky in something, I'm guessing penis size
lol didnt you owe sickread for like like months?
when iz tha next berating session, I'm running out of linez
He should be able to loan to whoever he feels deemed to give him a positive return on his money. Maybe he doesn't believe you are a good investment.
loans are part of the game hope you get one but im broke