i meant to quote joshwayne's post about paying loans back quickly
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He owes me 4k points with the juice running I think its 5k now
kids a complete asshat, says in his micro game if u cant afford to play a $5 buy in you shouldnt be able to chat. ha. says the broke ass losing poker player who needed to scam $5.
woohoo, baller, why iz it tha ballerz alwaze stake the bottom of the barrel
I thought he was kinda a douche for selling me out for not loaning him more when he already owed me. He started calling me a cheap bastard who wasnt worth a damn even tho he didnt even pay back and was asking for more. What a ***** ******** ***** ******* **********************!
he owed me 4k in shark toooo and said other day he wd finish getting me back loll,, wehn i saw him on bcp too,, btu at least ive had insurance,, i think theres still like 1800 left to go tho,,,,, alitttle annoying now hes still playing in touneys on buy ins on bcp lol tooo,,,,,
Never Forget
bump for the dead beat being signed into PO
he's been losing his ass off on bcp, now i see him sitting at one cents two cents table.
I use to never mind loaning out small rolls, and stuff pre BF, but since then, things changed, Ive loaned out twice, and got rolled both times, and not for no 5$ or 4k chippies, try 150 cash, and 350cash :(
glad to see the berating is still going strong...........
That is the interwebs for you. No cyber honor.
he must of found bcp cuz he asked earlier if ihad any but said no. im to low on bcp is what i told em cuz i am lol
what happened to the berating?? why does he have an Ad in the ticker?? why why why.............
I was wondering if he ever settled up too??!!??
Debt doesn't go away just because you delete you loan thread.
Only way to get rid of the debt is to pay it, its 5 lol dollars.
Did either of these clowns actually read the OP??
As for you Pray....... DUDE really? Deleting the thread???? And you were asking ME to trade my points for your BCP earlier?
Just ship DOC the money and be done with it.
LLB? What could last longer then this debt?
$5 paid back