LC paid me back
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LC paid me back
When I started playing heavy on here, he made the 10K leaderboard bet...was chatting with me, seemed honest and ok. Then he started asking me for pts to play every day. We have a lot of people who bet money they don't have expecting to win.
he owes me as well
says he would pay back soon..
now you guys tell me....
damn so he's had scammer tendencies all along
He owes myself and others some points. Dude bailed for couple of months and came back. hmmmmmm....
Best of Luck
just read the 2+2 link.... maybe hes trying to flip the money on the cash table so pay back all the MU he owes..... just a possibility
I think this might be the case. Before he left for a couple of months I am pretty sure he was running stakes and doing well. Maybe something came up and he had to log off, he has started coming back on daily so lets see what he says before labeling.
I am going to change the title until this is proven the case.
LOL, Spoofy sure does have her favorites, eh? I dont give a fck about him working off his make up... don't do it with my money and time. He was also LOGGED IN last night while we were talking about him scamming me in main chat... and he said nothing! and if you read my post... WE WERE ON THE SAME ACR TABLE!!!!! i was chatting the fck outta him, and he said nothing! I told him his reputation was ruined everywhere now, and then he logged into PO... OK, so he saw me talking, logged into PO, saw my posts... and said NOTHING!!!
there is no need to wait to see what he has to say... but damn... ppl sure do have their favorites... LOL
Spoofy, you act as if he might come on here and say, " oh yea, i was working on my MU", and that's gonna make shyt right? NO!
He should have sent my money back the very second he had internet access, but instead he played games with it.
Don't play favorites just cause you want him on your .ORG league team.
wow, super mods playing favorites... I guess zab does this same type shyt too tho... so what should i expect?!
I never bother ANY of my horses about make-up, make -up is not a debt, it only becomes a debt IF,i stake them again, and IF they cash for me... those 2 things must happen before I even mention make up to them. LCDaBoss had only run 2 games prior to the three he was supposed to run yesterday... So "working off his MU"... especially with my money... is soooo fckn invalid and not a good excuse. LOL
and let me further mention... that he cashed in this ACR tourney... we were both ITM, on the same table. He cashed for 40 some odd dollars, and instead of sending me back the money, he went to a cash table
If someone on this forum is getting staked and winning my advice is to not touch them with a 10ft pole. Its a pretty common process that happens over and over. Some guy wins a couple of games, then people stake him and he wins some more money. They then get loud and boisterous in chat about how good they are. They start to believe the hype that they are on the fast track to becoming pro. Then they start to lose, still believing that they are too good to lose they take stakes/loans of anyone who will listen. They take on debt in hopes of paying off other debt they have. Eventually it all catches up with them and they leave.
he owed me like 2k pts said he would pay back tuesday, said he now has a job to support his poker habit.... I always try to see the best in people, im sure he intends to do good, but if the world lived off intentions and not actions world would either be perfect or destroyed, ne way i told him not to worry about points till he is all good, I dont like publicly talking about privated situations in between two people is why i have not mentioned this before, but since ya asked ya he owes :-\
i don't understand why people wanna scam, this world has gone to hell, can't trust anyone anymore!!!!
I can see ur point here. It is easy to fall into such a vicious cycle and some people may have carried "other that honorable" intentions from the beginning, but not everyone is going to resort to such measures. There are some of us honorable players left. I just took out my first loan on this site and can say that it will be paid back come hell or high water.
"Honor among thieves" is how I see it. I only play poker to steal the pots from the fish (same as most of us here) If I want to stay in the "shark" pool I understand that I must respect the balance and honor my debts.
I don't know if my mentality and outlook has fell from what is considered the "norm" now-a-days, so my only advice would be to loan based on character not just the strength in a players game.
lolz at the .org team comment.
But, that should be even easier to collect then. The other member of the team should get LC to pay of all his debts here, or really don't see how yall can keep him on your team there. Just wat I think.
So from wat I see.
Jlynn 2k in points for like forever. I know cuz she told me like forever ago
and Poke All the $$$$ from last stake after he lost his first game and went MIA.
Anyone else have debt should speak now.
Double lol at the .org comment. We just accepted him yesterday or the day before, and just found out about this an hour ago.
As I told Poke:
Ok it's pretty clear I need to make a 'scammer' wall, might have been scammed, owes me points....
Just not sure what to do or how it should look yet
I dont know what it should look like, but it should play "The sound you hear when you lose on the price is right" horn when you open the page.
That sucks poke. At least you know there are a few people on here you can trust.
To funny...wall of shame...wall of is goin on bann the sob n that's it....bandaids are for cuts
its just sad, this guy is allowed to still be a member, after other ppl he owe's. tisk tisk He has messed up the best thing this site had going for it as of lately, and that was POKE'S STAKING. I am the only member here willing to run people in $150 worth of games in a day, on a REAL poker network, not a play money poker network, and it was becoming an attraction. But i guess more important than PO being "attractive", is catering to our current scammers.
Yes guys, Thank LCDaScammer for me not staking anymore... I tried to help... genuinely. I TRIED
I think it should have "mugshots" with the persons scam info on the placard (screennames, PO name, amount scammed)
Their signature should be automatically changed to look like this (thanks to CUSTOMTABLES)
So that every time they post it is obvious!
Like I have seen on a different forum, the membership status (right above your forum avatar) should say scammer.
I don't think they should necessarily be insta - banned but they should not be able to opt in, buy coupons, make LLB's or play in the tournaments or enjoy any promotions....until debt is paid.
That way , the people they owe have a chance to get paid back.
I think this should be true of anyone in default on loans too, they should not be able to opt in, buy coupons, make LLB's or play in the tournaments or enjoy any promotions....until debt is paid.
people in default on loans (in shark) dont get access to any promos and if they buy a coupon they have to pay more and the extra goes to the person owed
the plan you outlines had been suggested many times, but it seems zab, will lose money if he does this... and you already know shark zab IS NOT down for losing money. I think the community should be put over money... but im just a member. The establishment has and always will make the best money decision regardless of who it hurts
It's a shame 'borrowers' can't face their debtors, given they are not able to pay back the money/points or whatever, in the timely fashion as intended. If you were kind and trusting enough to lend anything to the 'staked', you would likely be up for an alternate payment arrangement, within reason. Like come on..take responsibility for your debts...Doesn't matter WHO it is!!
And that applies to ANYTHING in life! Simple as that..hope you get your money back, even if it takes awhile, pokeyourface.
add me to the list of scammed. I woke up this morning trusting that lcd would be here to pay me like he said...only to ask in chat and find this thread...hope this guy makes us whole...but i'm doubting it at this point...but you never know...
A bit pissed as well tho reading all this.