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what a laugh, kids truly delusional.
Today, 10:24 AM
LCDaBoss LCDaBoss is online now
PokerOwned Demi-God
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Jan 2013
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I see everything, I just dont argue because I do owe people and I will pay them back, just like I paid off my loan i was defaulted in, thats how i was able to get another in ls, Im trying to gte this lil money, but either way i will have people money within a week. Its no point of replying and argueing with everyone if im wrong.
nd i seen ur comment yesterday about 773 area code, yes im in chicagoland, and doubt ull find my parents if u come looking bitch
Run Good, Run Deep, Run Pure!
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Kill scammers....we have a great community on po and i hate ppl who ruin a good thing...i wish we had some kind of contact info and u have to get it verified before u could trade with people that way ppl cant find you and get a hold of that person...make people send copys of id in or put some points and or money in a escrow before u allowed to trade that way it keeps broke ppl from scamming bc if ur broke u wouldnt put the money or points up to get into the marketplace seen
Yea, rambler is right. PO is merely a freeroll site, and wants to stay as such.
For poker players actually making, or looking to start making real money, PO is of no use
Well I had a 420 LLB with him last night and I won!!! So I love this guy.. Puff. Puff. Cough................
I disagree.. I do and WILL do everything I can to avoid users getting scammed..
If you can come up with a staking revamp upgrade that will prevent people from getting scammed I am ALL EARS. I even put in there a way for you to hold points as collateral.
I have a rating system...
What else do you want in there?
ok, zab is listening...