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i like u josh but i think cookies is in the right here. I mean if dpad owes cookies and dpad sent cookies money then cookies should keep it. It would be different if cookies agreed to send funds in return, but he didnt. You guys just sent him acr HOPING that he would send BCP back, he never agreed to this trade and obviously if you would have asked him before hand to do the trade he would have said no, since he doesnt want to do business with you guys. This was easily avoidable, you should have sent the money to someone that you knew cooks would do business with. Like i said josh ur a good dude and i hate to see u lose money but i do believe that cookies is well with in his rights to keep the funds since dpad owed him. now if u would have sent it to him and he didnt atleast send the original funds back to you, i would say that he was in the wrong. Really what happend here is, Cookie said he wouldnt trade with you anymore so you got urself a patsy to do the trade for you, it just turns out that you chose the wrong patsy.