thats not what they said O.o
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If cookies was such a good guy like u Mods rave about constantly he would kindly send me my $$ that he knows was in dpads possession w/out me having to go through such an ordeal. Bogus i tell you
i like u josh but i think cookies is in the right here. I mean if dpad owes cookies and dpad sent cookies money then cookies should keep it. It would be different if cookies agreed to send funds in return, but he didnt. You guys just sent him acr HOPING that he would send BCP back, he never agreed to this trade and obviously if you would have asked him before hand to do the trade he would have said no, since he doesnt want to do business with you guys. This was easily avoidable, you should have sent the money to someone that you knew cooks would do business with. Like i said josh ur a good dude and i hate to see u lose money but i do believe that cookies is well with in his rights to keep the funds since dpad owed him. now if u would have sent it to him and he didnt atleast send the original funds back to you, i would say that he was in the wrong. Really what happend here is, Cookie said he wouldnt trade with you anymore so you got urself a patsy to do the trade for you, it just turns out that you chose the wrong patsy.
Im so high!
Cookies aint a scam...he wouldnt evver do that. I trust him with like 10kif I had to send that 1st to him!
Good guy!
Also the fact that $10 was all I had to my name for the w/end is only more reason for cookies not to pull a stunt like this. In addition to u "mods" telling me to ask dpad for my money ..try again! Hes broke af & alrdy owes me so how u figure hes gonna cover for the $10 Cookies has now? This is appalling to say the least Moderators.
At the time of this posting I have yet to receive any fund from dpad
1636909 1002-43315-SENDE 11/14/2013 1:25:22 PM Player2Player Transfer from bcp-SendMeCookies to blackchip_associate. Description : Transfering money to bcp-AACrusher. Player Notes: ty n gl Success $12.00 $0.00
1626903 1002-43124-SENDE 11/12/2013 10:56:48 PM Player2Player Transfer from bcp-SendMeCookies to blackchip_associate. Description : Transfering money to bcp-LockProBam. Player Notes: ty n gl Success $20.00 $0.00
But, I will say for the last time. I told dpad I would not trade w/ him. And, if he sent me funds I would use as partial payment on $20 he owes me that is more than a lil late.
11/1/2013 dpadgett1 $20 BCP 11/6/2013
So, really besides the mods, I have no idea why ppl are tellin me wat the rite thing to do is. I'm doing the right thing. Looking after my interest. Joshtard should do the same. Look after his interest, which Thank GOD, have absolutely nothing to do with me.
In all likely hood the $10 is gone and this all a big dpad joke on you all.
Dpad GL in w/e the fuck you do as you are blocked from me for everything now.
JoshTard just stay the fuck away from me. You cry like a lil bitch is why I stopped dealing w/ you weeks ago.
i personally have done many trades with cookies here on PO. loans included. if anyone else has traded with cookies you also will agree that he is not here scamming anyone. he has always been fair to me and honest. his rates are his rates. if you dont like em then dont trade with him. its that easy.
as far as the dpad , joshwayne, cookies thing it seems pretty clear that he said DO NOT SEND unless its a loan payment. so cookies didnt screw you man
Bottom line he's holding my money like its a joke..I can guarantee u that if it were anyone elses $10 he would kindly send it to them. Unreal....Notice the continuing "Joshtard" term. He's only getting pleasure out of the fact that it's my $. lol, incredible
negative, if it were anyone else hed of probably done the trade direct and this wouldnt of been an issue, its only because u were trying to do an underhanded trade with someone who didnt wanna trade with you that this came about
hes calling you joshtard because your being a tard
For the record...I never contacted Dpad to negotiate a trade w/him. he bubbled me as he saw that I have been asking for an ACR trade for 2 days now. I didn't have any intentions of needing a patsy to deal w/cookies for me. It just happened that way. You think this guy John aka sendcookies is the only person on PO w/ACR, I thnk not. I was patiently waiting & POOFY saw me early this am trying to get it so to you mods/forum mods..FUCK OFF IF U THNK IM SCHEMING W/DPAD
im sick of seeing this non sence of a post in chat cookies is not a scammer and never will scam anyone on site ive personal done thousands of dollars worth of trades/loans with cookies dude is not in the wrong 2 cookies didn't receive the money dpad scammed you again this is his way of slandering cookies good name dpad 9/10 put your 10 bucks on a parlay to win big its fucking dumb that you traded him knowing he owed you/scammed you once already mods please close this bullshit post and let zab have a look
then u shoulda just declined dbeg and waited for another trade imo this is your own fault, cookies is in the right you are in the wrong
19:29 <PooffyFooffy> good idea
Avatar 19:29 <SendCookies> but that thread name is not rite.
Avatar 19:28 <PooffyFooffy> gimme a min to think of a name
Avatar 19:28 <Prawney> @SendCookies: I said that like 45 mins ago but i couldnt think of a new name
Avatar 19:28 <SendCookies> rename it JW get scammed
I love how the mods are continually supportive of Cookies in this matter as it only proves my pt as to how useless u all really are. I will be contacting Zab unfortunately regarding this bullshit
yeah somethg must b up cuz i've never heard of anyone having any trouble with cookies
Cookies said he hasnt recieved the $10, so it seems like your barking up the wrong tree atm.
Josh, you should ask dpad for a screenshot of the transaction, has it even occurred to you he might be playing with your money now? Cookies is insistant he did not receive it, and it really wouldn't be out of the realm.
tbh i see that just resulting in josh getting a ban imo or at least having his market privilages removed until he can learn how to trade properly with trusted members
Jjosh did you send? howdid cookies get the $10 anywyas?
if dpad sent it then he was owed soitdontmatter./
josh I would now focus on asking dpad why the transfer has not happened and why he still has your money!
This thread is longer than my penis wow now that's saying something
Well Cookies I got the whole "scene"...being that he sent you my $10 before you told him "dont send me shit unless its payment" lets me know that you received my $$$ as it was alrdy out of his accnt b4 you ever told him not to send it. Once you received [3:28:14 PM] Send Cookies: I'm not sending you acr.
[3:28:23 PM] Send Cookies: I'm keeping the bcp as loan payment tho.
[3:28:24 PM] Send Cookies: TY.
[3:28:39 PM] doubledd725: darkside95221 on acr.. do the right thing
This shows me that he sent prior to confirming w/u that you were good for it because he assumed you had the funds as do most considering you're never empty, & him alrdy knowing your policy & how u require others to send 1st. I think its funny that you would try and deny as the IM's show exactly in what order things transpired. Being that you have issues w/me only makes it more obvious that you got it & are keeping it for your own personal disputes that you may or may not have w/dpad. Whatever it may be, it's not my fucking problem. I think you may have mistaken me for a fool.
I want my money & if you think you have successfully deferred the attn & blame off yourslf & back to dpad you are sadly mistaken.
OK for the last Time. 1. I don't have the money. Never hit my account 2. If I do receive the money I've already told ya it'll be taken as Dpad debt to me. 3. I am done with this for good. I won't talk/argue about this anymore. Dpad owes you, you settle it w/ him. DONE!!!
Josh = Dpad.
Alt alt alt.
You heard it here first.
get ya bread game up, and this wont happen... beeeeeep
I think what PO needs is a trusted 3rd party trade intermediary. Both parties send their funds via the appropriate venues, and the trusted 3rd party sends them back out.
The 3rd party should make a little bit for his or her time as well...say 2-5% off each side of the trade.
I would be willing to do something like this, but I don't think I'm a very good choice as I have no trade history on PO and am not online enough to service trades. Although I am 100% trustworthy, I can't really prove that. Someone who frequently trades (with 100% satisfaction) and is online the majority of the time should be this 3rd party intermediary for trades.
Just a thought...and an opportunity for someone to make a little change on the side.
cookies never stole shit.. trash this thread, dude has been legit forever he not ganna just change.... If he got your money he earned it...
Go to bed chump
You go to bed .
Im a seasoned veteran who the fuck you think you are heeeheee
both of u get to bed ..... realllyy... this thread gettting pretty sillly now tho.
Workin that 9 To 5 Stayin Cute like ya do.. Ehhh Uhhh Ohhhh Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! You :Love it?
judging from your stats the only thing you have on him is join date, youve defaulted on 2 out of three of your loans and done/recieved feedback on ONE of your trades (so going to go ahead and assume thats the only trade youve done)
you have barely posted on over a year and have either not participated in or just havent won anything in the freerolls im failing to see what you being a "seasoned" and all be it pointless none contributing member to the site has to do with it
i'll say it again i think josh is a good dude, i just don't see how he can have such faith that dpad sent the funds i mean it is well established that dpad is a scammer and cookies trades for much larger amounts of money here and on multiple sites with no problems.
Cookies maybe you could take a screenshot of ur transaction log for the day in question and put this to bed. i know u copied and pasted but those can be easily faked(im not saying you did im 99.99999999999999% sure this is on dpad) i know that you agreed to nothing and that u shouldnt have to prove anything but this is pretty silly now.