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in my defensive i have made some good deals on here and never fucked noone over once ask anyone but i did not realise who notnice was at 1st until he set up the chattzy, and the name was in my face tkd55 and tht is when it hit me and tht bk in the day on ft i staked him and loaned him money when noone else would (i hope people remember this) and he fucked me over and then ft went down and there was nout i could do about it just like synergybros fucked me outta ($300) and bsalz outta ($80) and when i finally clicked on who he was i was i am gonna fucking get him back but i couldnt coz he was doing the trades with fab and other people and i did not wanna rip them off so i done the deals legit and then the other day he approached me and said he could dep[osit on he own so this was my chance to get him back and my money so yes you can say i scammed or whatever you want but at the end i got what was owed to me back and i am sorry if it upsets people in here and people dnt trust me nomore but i was owed it fullstop.
I hope this has explained everything because it took me 5mins to write this lol but it is upto you people to make your own minds up was it right or was it wrong to do this??????