Not bout the pts at this point in time. Chit i've given and forgiven debts larger than this. It's the fact one jdixon was such an ass, and sa is still looking for loans and such so i thought an FYI would be in order.
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Cookies I don't mind being labled as an asshole if you wanted to give me 4k as payment for that =) I'll even change my name to
Im a bad loaner too.. everyone makes mistakes...
wow i am so happy i payed off my loan last night!!!!! so great... good luck all
In case ne of the late crowd missed it, here's a shameless bump.
yo zab fix my negitive feedback too....i have perfect trading history, but some idiot left me negitive feedback b.c he sent me points when i was sleeeping for carbon and he said i didnt send him carbon, which i didnt b.c i was miscommunication, but he still lef tme neigtive...i want it fixed please
jdixon loaned me 10k in the market once for 4 days which i paid back in 2 days. he then asked for a 6k loan which i couldn't fill becuz i didnt have enough. so he gave me bad feedback like u said cookies. zab should ban his feedback ability.
there shoud be a list of all the peeps who
u shouldnt trust for repetive non payments
I am with pokerpiglet. Maybe it would be good to have a "Blacklist".
Wah Wah Wah Your Dumb Enough To Loan Outside Of A Secure Loan Service Bye Bye What ever You Loaned