i give 10k loan to jasoncoleman in market for 11500 return on wensday if he is late he pays 500 for each day hes late if it comes jasons agrement writen below
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i give 10k loan to jasoncoleman in market for 11500 return on wensday if he is late he pays 500 for each day hes late if it comes jasons agrement writen below
agreed...thanks i got you on wed fo sho ninja
a 10k loan in market?!?! Your insane
Though as long as yall trust each other, i guess theirs no problem
update i giveing him 1k extra for 13k return in total by tonight and the 500 per day hes late still stands
agreed again and ty got ya when i get home from work
you do realize making this thread is not going to make this transaction any more secure?
id be hoping hes late, thats some serious interest wowwwwwwwwwww :)
kush lol your right pooffy your right but i trust him plus atleast this thread will make a dent to his reputation if he dont pay plus it is serious intrest so quicker he pays less intrest it is serious intrest it only takes a week and he owes me over a qauter what i lent him which is alot of points
ive just added 500 intrst to the lon and i have done that 7hours after midnight my time zone which should be more than fair to cover the timezone difrence
ive added another 500 points intrest he is now 2 days late bringing it to 14k i have done this 7 and a half hours after midnight my time zone which should be mmore than fair to cover the time zone difrence
you're gonna be rich if you get paid bb. i can't wait for you to come give away your chips in client
lol jcolee forgot to update thread but he paid me 5k last night makeing it 9k but he hasntpaid me any more since and its 13 hours ater midnight my time so ive brung it up to 9k but i have 25k points curently so aint to fused at this stage just means more intrest for me plus im on holiday for a week so i can only update the amount he owes me day by day so if he choses not o pay for another week all it means is 3500+ intrest for me so beter think of paying soon lol and just to let you all know hes 4 days late i think all togeahor so far so no one loan him atm cos he cant even pay me back yet lol and specially not in market
it has been 8 days since ive updated the interest on loan and this thread disappointed to be honest i thort that there would be no need to add the intrest by the day on my tablet and i thort i could just leave it to him to pay back because he was so late as it is but its clear that wasnt the case so ive added 7 days intrest because im being genrous which is 3500 bringing it to 13k and im extreamly disapointed considering i expected to log on with it there by now
10 days since updated thread nothings been paird so thats another 5k intrest ive mad a lump sum of 18k you can pay but i have also put the option of paying in instalments of 3 lots of 6k i cant contact you cos your inox is full ive kept it rather quiet as a favour but you are weeks late and most people would have set up a complaint thread on you and made it more clear to stay away you should payback atleast 6k of it cos takeing advantage of a member that trusted you aint that nice is it?
i think its safe to say youre not gettin paid. thats why you never loan in market
yea well jason is a known member and i thort trusted he has paid 5k of so far so i give hiim that and i have been late paying my debts plenty in the past but he could atleast have the deacentcy to update thread and his situation and why he hasnt paid and when he plans to pay
Is it me or have we read this story before?
3 days since updated bringing it to 19,500 or 3 lots of 8500
sorey i mean 6500
i wonder i shoild make a thread about all the pople that owe me too and are veryyy late:(((
I guess Jason Coleman has some history with loans (and being late) if I remeber correct...
hmmm well my question is will he be just late and rrcxir the purpose of the thread was to keeep a record of the deal being made so that if this hapens he cant turn around and say the deatl was something else cos evreything has been shown hear and agreed to
It is November 27th and still no payment.... the running total is now..... lol I could not resist.
yeah thats alot for market loan but it looks like ur rackin up interest
i just read in the newspaper Jasoncoleman got hit by a bus in my hometown, hopefully its not this jasoncoleman.
3 days since updateing intrest and thread bringing it to 21k or 3 lots of 7k not a dime he could have atleast the deacentcy to tell me why hes so late and when he plans on paying back if he does
3 days sinc ive updated it bringing it the 22.5k or 3 lots of 7.5k
jason coleman is a bum and a douche. i think you should kiss your points goodbye.
thats shady as hell sorry for u
ROFL hes prolly under a different name already
i know right well im not gona make a huge deal about it and make anger threads on him unless i see him with enugh pointss to pay atleast 3rd of the loan if he refuses ima make anger threads so pleanty knw who not to trust
i wouldnt loan to him he has a past of not returning the points
6 days since updateing intrest makeing it 25.5k or 3 instalment of 8.5k starting to wonder if peoples roomer of him being late is a ly or not starting to think that he takes the points then fucks of with them
-50000 05-10-2013, 08:30 PM from admin you owe bbno
From his 'wickdeed' account
WOW, jason coleman is the lowest of the low, even lower than bbno... sad
Go suicide bomb or something!!!!