Hey I got BCP and ACR funds available for trade if you are currently looking for some.
I am at the moment looking to trade for some PayPal funds. I will ONLY accept PayPal from people I have traded with before in he past, or If I personally know you on the site.
PM or Bubble me if you're looking to swap:
DO NOT waste my time and PM/Bubble me asking to trade if:
- If I don't know you
- I will ONLY accept PayPal, and AMAZON funds from probably 5% the members on this site.
- If your PO account is LESS than 6 months old
- Your have little to no trading history
- Have negative feedback in your trading/loaning section
- And finally If you don't plan on sending 1st then DON'T even bother PM'in me
* Not trying to be a dick but his is just what has to be done these days because too man degen noobs acting all wild on PO...lolz :P
***Again I have ACR and BCPfunds available for trade and if you're interested and/or looking t get funded onto your Poker account. I'm here for you! My rep is flawless on here and on 2+2, and have plenty of people that can vouch for me.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
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05-19-2015, 11:47 PM #1
I'm again accepting PAYPAL, AMAZON. I got ACR and BCP FUNDS for TRADE.
Last edited by TrueOC; 05-19-2015 at 11:54 PM.