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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    You didnt get a response last night because I logged off and laid up with my woman when she got off work ... Dont act like I just ignored you all day, I missed the last message until this morning.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    its a day late... and not trying to make you look bad, what did you do to look bad? I just said i didnt agree on the rates ... we also said $1 for every day late, that never changed I was just working on a different method meaning maybe selling lock for points or something like that? Never said I wasnt going to pay you or late fee. And you make threads all the time, I just expected the same thing to happen when I was late or refused to send $26
    One I don't make threads exposing $$$ amounts of your poker accounts or partial email accounts. Two. it was due last nite. So, logging off w/o a so much as a Dude, can't pay it today was wrong.

    As for not trying to make me look bad? LMAO look at your comments in chat bout you non payment. Obviously you thought this thread would expose my Lock rate to outrageous. It's not and you could always have just paid off in points. So Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I'm done with you and your $13 Bad debt. LMAO Such the mighty MTT player sweating $13 in bad debt. WHAT a F'ING JOKE !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    You didnt get a response last night because I logged off and laid up with my woman when she got off work ... Dont act like I just ignored you all day, I missed the last message until this morning.
    Don't act like you tried to send PM before you logged off you Welchin MOFO.

    OK now I'm 'DONE' with this chit and that is only out of respect for STP and the person that runs it. But your name is MUD here.

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