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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    I owe SendCookies

    Just would like to let the community know myself that recently SendCookies did a loan with me on BCP for $10 and
    I owe $13, at the time we discussed that if I can not pay back on BCP on the date it was owed that I could pay back by another method. Well the day came and I didnt have bcp funds at the time, only lock that I can send p2p

    SendCookies: "I have absolutely no use for lock. I'm holding $X on lock."

    Me: "We discussed that you will accept other methods if i do not have bcp funds, this is my only way I can pay you"

    SendCookies: "Wow when we said other ways, didn't realize it was gonna be only one other way. Send $26 lock then to [email protected] as tat is the rate I'd take for lock. TY."

    Ok, thing is I refuse to send $26 on lock so I will come up with another method here soon or hopefully get some BCP, no hard feelings because I know issues of not wanting lock but refuse to get taxed double when not late. So I will update you when I have the funds cookies.

    Posted this thread because I would rather put myself out and explain than have another do it.
    Last edited by LCDaBoss; 04-20-2013 at 11:14 AM.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro kiddaa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i agree with cookies about the amount....lock is not worth dollar to dollar on bcp. Good luck...thats jus my 2 cents....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddaa View Post
    i agree with cookies about the amount....lock is not worth dollar to dollar on bcp. Good luck...thats jus my 2 cents....
    Didnt say he was wrong for his rates on lock, if thats what he thinks it worth then thats cool, just saying I wont pay $26 for $10, I grind for my money and wont do it no matter what its worth. Not saying he wont get paid at all just now it will take a little longer than I thought while I get funds on a site with p2p with more reasonable rates.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro kiddaa's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    yea man i get that...i was just commenting on the value of lock.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Is PayPal not an option? Seems fair and easy to me.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    $26 lock for $10 BCP is crazy, but that is why I don't borrow from people. A buck is a buck imo, if you were to cash out on either site you get the dollar value you have there.

    You should research and find a way to deposit on BCP and clear it up that way, or see if a dollar on gdmp or a netspend is worth a real dollar to him and do it that way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by PooffyFooffy View Post
    $26 lock for $10 BCP is crazy, but that is why I don't borrow from people. A buck is a buck imo, if you were to cash out on either site you get the dollar value you have there.

    You should research and find a way to deposit on BCP and clear it up that way.
    no worries it will be cleared up, like I said this thread was only made because I would like to put myself out other than someone else and then I get upset and things get crazy, so I made note of it other than someone else throwing my name in the dirt.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LCDaBoss View Post
    Just would like to let the community know myself that recently SendCookies did a loan with me on BCP for $10 and
    I owe $13, at the time we discussed that if I can not pay back on BCP on the date it was owed that I could pay back by another method. Well the day came and I didnt have bcp funds at the time, only lock that I can send p2p

    SendCookies: "I have absolutely no use for lock. I'm holding 1k+ on lock."

    Me: "We discussed that you will accept other methods if i do not have bcp funds, this is my only way I can pay you"

    SendCookies: "Wow when we said other ways, didn't realize it was gonna be only one other way. Send $26 lock then to [email protected] as tat is the rate I'd take for lock. TY."

    Ok, thing is I refuse to send $26 on lock so I will come up with another method here soon or hopefully get some BCP, no hard feelings because I know issues of not wanting lock but refuse to get taxed double when not late. So I will update you when I have the funds cookies.

    Posted this thread because I would rather put myself out and explain than have another do it.
    ummmm wow, now that you'd like to air this out there in open view. OK I'll put in my 2 cents.

    LCDaBoss $13 BCP loan due 4/19 SendCookies [Show/Hide] 100% 8000

    1. When you took the loan you agree'd to pay it yesterday. If you could not meet your obligations yesterday, you should have talked to me about it. But you decide to post a thread trying to make me look bad?

    2. There is always a points value associated w/ my loans. You could have always paid it back in points.

    3. The option of paying me in lock was your choice, and I tried to help by giving you a fair number on lock I would take back at payment

    4. Keep the $13 you owe me, cuz you are not a man of your word. You talk big, but, if you really were a true poker player of your caliber, your word would mean more to you than a non response last nite to me, and this petty thread trying to excuse your debt being late and still not paid.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    its a day late... and not trying to make you look bad, what did you do to look bad? I just said i didnt agree on the rates ... we also said $1 for every day late, that never changed I was just working on a different method meaning maybe selling lock for points or something like that? Never said I wasnt going to pay you or late fee. And you make threads all the time, I just expected the same thing to happen when I was late or refused to send $26

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    You didnt get a response last night because I logged off and laid up with my woman when she got off work ... Dont act like I just ignored you all day, I missed the last message until this morning.

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