Me and chipmonster agreed on a trade and I went out and bought a 117$ walmart gift card and I sent it to him for 110$ ACR funds. The problem is I have not gotten my ACR yet and support for ACR has told me multiple times that Chipmonster's ACR name did not send me any transfers at all( none pending either. And chipmonster has been responding to me and support is telling him supposively that the funds can take up to 24 hours to hit my account( support told him this multiple times). I have never had this happen before in the history of poker. So @Chipmonster can you please respond here because support has told me 3 times that no funds at all were sent to my account or are in limbo going to my account. I don't see how chipmonster could have sent the funds if I haven't gotten the 110 ACR yet. Chipmonster you also have already the 117$ walmart card so now at this time I am out of 117$ and have not gotten the 110$ poker funds yet. Chipmonster is keeping contact with me currently and I hope this gets worked out. I just don't understand why I haven't gotten the funds yet and chipmonster swears he sent the funds and support 100% is telling me there has not been any attempts to send me 110 acr.
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06-17-2016, 12:30 AM #1
Greengiant and chipmonster trade gone bad....
Our body is the temple of God. No man shalt mix clay with iron will surely perish.