Flip_Toss Came to me Dan7714 begging for a loan. I was up on my luck and told him to set up in loan shark. Flip_Toss stated he was unable to because he had a loan out for 2800 in there. After an hour of talking I agreed to Loan him the 2800 to pay off the loan shark through Market place with these terms... He wanted to barrow 6800 and agreed to pay off the loan with the 2800 in loan shark and I would loan him the extra 4000 and add the interest of 800 and the loan of 2800 into the loan shark loan to compress all loans into one with interest.
2800+4000+800= 7600
Flip_Toss set up a 4000 loan request in loan shark I excepted and added the market place loan 2800 as well the 800 into interest area for a total payback of 7600 in 10 days.
Flip_Toss then played stupid and took a loan in loan shark from someone else and refused me interest as well has yet payed me back. I caught him playing in poker with 10k and demanded a payback but only payed 1200 and says he has 4 other loans that have to be paid first before I receive the 1600.
These people are dirty as well play games to trick people into interest loans with a scam to duck out of them!