Was suppose to pay me carbon on 2 trades and he ditched. All the bad PR has just about sealed his and your fate you idiots
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Was suppose to pay me carbon on 2 trades and he ditched. All the bad PR has just about sealed his and your fate you idiots
I know fu all
I hate don mega. he is a cry baby and i see now all his points are from loans. smh
yippie he got everyone thats why i dont loan its better to gift that way no worries
whats bad PR? yea he fucked me too, all you guys should realize that, you guys dont truly know anybody on here, just a guy behind a computer....all you saying ohh he would never, well he did....scumbag move he pulled...karmas a bitch
He gets paid on thursdays, So usually by thursday night or early friday he settles up all his loans
its been a few days so chillout
You climb all over the guy and why should he pay you? You just about slit your throat along with all of ours....over a week late?
Then you dispute trades causing a huge negative balance....yeah right you'll see yoiur points again....and forced all our hands too. Thanks again!
I always thought of donald as a good guy. I have never heard of him not paying anyone back. I myself have loaned him about 20 times and he has paid me back each and every time...couple of them were later than what he said, but he PMed me that he didn't have it until a certain day, which is cool with me.
what are you saying? you dont know what your talking about, I bought something off him and he was supposed to ship it to me....he claims he shipped it on friday and he said I would recieve it on wednesday since I paid xpress shipping....todays wedneday and got nothing, been asking him for the past 4 days for tracking number....no answer, so maybe thats why i climbed all over the guy, espically when i already sent him over $250.
and I appriciate the OP day, now that was msot likely directed towards me...appriciate it bro
i,m not going to comment on the shipping pa ckage, at all..but i know don to be a good, honest guy, and has never not paid me back ever either,,if thats the case right now,, he might not be here at the moenent,,,casue of work, h oliday, etc... but i wouldl be very surprised if he didnt pay u back tho,, well hope it will work out, tho too.
I really dont appriciate you basically blamming me for him scamming you? Why becasue I disputed alot of the points I sent him? What, I should just sit back and do nothing? He scammed us! I highly doubt we will see anything, Your right. but I disputed the trades so It will get peoples attention god willing he did come back trying to screw some1 else, and to get Zab attetion so he can keep an eye on his IPs and new accounts so he can close them down. Which he has already done to 4 of his new accounts. So if he wants to ever come back to PO, hes gonna have to on his donaldmega account and pay his debts. Which is what he should do, be a man and respect you debts.
Its not like I sent him $5, I sent him well over $250 close to $300. I dont understand how you can quite possibly be mad at me doing something, You know youd do the same.
Your right, what did I get out of all of this, basically nothing. But now people know the situation, and now change there perception about donmega b.c me and every1 esle thought he was a legit guy, guess we were all wrong.
***Still havent heard from Donaldmega, Hasnt answered my PMs since sunday. oh well :/
Dnaldmega do the right thing and PM me, we can work out a payback plan.
Hope you will get your points back. I would never do such a big loan to anybody on the internet...
[QUOTE=rrickir;82788]i,m not going to comment on the shipping pa ckage, at all..
lol right im not touching that one either
Donmega is still @......seen him playing 500 dollar exclusive freeroll today!!!!
wow you spotted donmega, thought he wasnt on carbon no more..hmmm..maybe he still comes around on pokerowned as well as a different name now..it happens alot
There is another thread, he is sickread.