going to send 420 pts that must be used to pay backk your loan only the first reply to this post that is in default gets the 420 pts
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going to send 420 pts that must be used to pay backk your loan only the first reply to this post that is in default gets the 420 pts
i need more than this but it will go to repaying
me i need to paid back rikki
got it ty...RIKKI debt collect me when you read this.
well that was a kind gesture
lol, I donate 500 to this cause, next defaulter in line..... that I like ;)
Never defaulted... over 100 loans :)
You guys should have the defaulter post or pm the name of their loaner and set up the trade with the loaner. I don't know how that would work on the defaulter's end. Can the loaner then clear the debt or one of the mods do it?
l like this idea and am going to throw down 300 points with a slight twist. I'm taking the next person who was kind enough to give out a loan and never got it back. Props to JLynn171 and Invertedafro.
no shark is an auto thing so it has to go via the defaulter
imo i think this is a terrible idea, kind gesture or not.
we already have enough people on here who give no fucks when it comes to defaulting taking a very lack luster attitude to paying back, and now ure giving handouts to help pay loans....we should be punishing defaulters not giving them hand outs :/
such logic on this forum seriously
why default when u can just scam your way out of debt
in shark they are covered by insurance so they can get the points back over time, it also stops the loanee from taking out another loan in shark and if anyone has sense about them before they go giving out market loans they can do a check to see if person is in default already, not to mention if u get them out of default for free they can then go ahead and qualify for the promos on the site, its a bad idea to go giving points to scum end of discussion
03:47 <s810car> hey mr loaner, remember that time i bailed you out? hoping you can repay favor....
all i gotta say bout this lol
as i said yest in chat, that wasn't intended at you, i believe your intentions to be true, however, once you open that can of worms, my comment is gonna be someones thought when they decide to be 'generous'
I Give away points at random all the time on this site usually ust donnt make it public figured i would do a free public giveaway if you notice other thread i made i was giving people who replied 100 pts... still 4 people are up for grabs at getting 100 pts over there im generious because i have extra and just like to spread the love to those who may not have it but could use these few pts to help their day some how...
and i think i am not one to judge one person better than another i try and treat all as equal i think i have even given away points in MP to a defaulter to pay back a loan they got from me at 0 pts interest im not greedy person lol
lol i also not a fool :-P