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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Pro Donka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Custom merge skins for sale for points!

    Hit me up and let me know what you need and we'll work out a price (in points) as soon as I have an idea of what you need and how long it will take me. All that will be needed from you is your ideas and pictures that you want to use if you have something in mind. After I create your merge skin I will hit you up and we can do a joinme session where I can show you exactly what to do to make this work which will take maybe 15 mins at the most... Let me post you some examples of what I have done so far. I just learned how to do this today so there will be more to come.. Hope you enjoy and I hope you get in contact with me so I can hook you up with some sick a$$ skins for your merge client...

    P.S. Part of the joinme session will include you downloading a free software that is available online that already has custom skins included for full tilt, etc. It also has a sound bank that can use to have Full Tilt sounds as well which I think is pretty cool Pretty much every part (card backs, sounds, etc.) u can customize so let me know and I will do those too... As you can see in the Full Tilt skin example I have customized the card backs to say donka
    Last edited by Donka; 02-20-2013 at 02:44 PM.

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