He did finally pay ... Release him the points!
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He did finally pay ... Release him the points!
Here was the issue if anyone cares it took 2 hours to get paid but wanted it canceled till his stuff was sorted out...
Me: not till LLB come back
Me: can sell in 3 mins
Me: i only have 15 k gotta get from client
Me: [email protected]
Me: sold it all this morn
Me: im all out
Me: ya
Me: escrowed
Me: yooo
Me: duuuude whats gonig on
getmesome2: sending sorry
getmesome2: damn ne
getmesome2: how much u got to sell?
Me: 50k more
getmesome2: 80k total?
Me: ya but i might hold on to other 50 for a bit, im in no hurry
getmesome2: sell me 70 for 125?
getmesome2: cant afford 80
Me: just selling the 30k for now
getmesome2: kk
Me: im to tired to figure out what i wanna do yet
Me: might redeem itall not sure
Me: you sendin the 60?
getmesome2: [email protected]
getmesome2: wtf
Me: huh
getmesome2: wrong emial
getmesome2: idk not how that got copy/pasted
Me: [email protected]
Me: you pullin my leg here or whats going on
getmesome2: lol no
getmesome2: its wanted me to sent sms to my cell
getmesome2: and I had to update phone number
getmesome2: cuz im using my aunts comp
Me: oh ok
getmesome2: this f***in thing, gimme a min
Me: just relogin
Me: someitmes it times out
Me: congrats on taking the longest to do a trade with.. . . . geeeeeeze man
getmesome2: lol ya all my old numbers on there are not my numbers anymore
getmesome2: had this account since 07
getmesome2: diff cell
getmesome2: so gotta put new cell in for code
getmesome2: to send
getmesome2: fckin hassle
getmesome2: sorry had to dl firefox
getmesome2: was the issue
getmesome2: email again?
Me: [email protected]
getmesome2: joke using my aunts comp
getmesome2: its secure as fck
getmesome2: lol
Me: just cancel it bro untill you get it figured out
Me: i dont like having 30k just sittin around
getmesome2: cancel for now til i get this working
getmesome2: f***ing up
getmesome2: it wants text code from old cell phone
Me: ya just cancel the trade we do it later
Me: yoooo
Me: wtf is wrong with you
getmesome2: its asking what country your in
Me: i dont even wanna do it agian
getmesome2: Where does the recipient reside?
Me: this is bulshit
getmesome2: u gotta cancel no?
Me: no you
Me: market ... cancel
Me: thats it
Me: dude its been over 1.5 hours cancel the trade in market
getmesome2: holy f***
getmesome2: this comps f***ed
getmesome2: sent btw
getmesome2: i had to instll f***ing firefox and f***ing adobe
getmesome2: ou have sent $60.00 USD to Ed Herder.
Me: fk i have it...
Me: but now i f***ing already disputed it
Me: now i gotta tell them you paid me
getmesome2: and the f***ing internet exploer doenst let me use bubble chat
getmesome2: lol
getmesome2: undispute it?
Me: wel fuck
Me: here
Me: http://www.pokerowned.com/forums/f26...tml#post370267
Me: i was copy pasting this entire thing to show why i was disputing
Me: so i deleted it and wrote that
Me: i told ya just to cancel it till you had it sorted out
Me: then you logged off for 10 mins
getmesome2: cuz iwas on ie
getmesome2: peice of shit
Me: well i waited 2 hours to get paid.. i bet zab wont take that long
gool good to see him pay. Congrats!
was like 15min, my browser giving me issues... neway i paid and didnt get the points.... sigh.... where are the mods?????
getmesome seems like it was all just a small accidental issue. Hope you 2 can come to terms and become friends again.
Yeah i had similar happen to me before but at least everything was straightened out though
oh i got no issue with bherd.... shit happens.... its the mods not doing shit to make it right when it goes through.... should have another option when u hit dispute to get refund to say 'nvm got it'... ridiculous to wait...
For future reference in threads like this, I would redact all real names from conversations - you never know who will do what.
Geeeeee.... so hard to imagine a transaction between these to perfectly sensible people going sideways. I am totally shocked.
Not sure why my name is being dragged down... This was 100% nothing to do with me messing anything up
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, People of PO!!
Next time someone suggests you cancel a trade, do it. Its simple to do, and much easier for all parties concerned, and the trade can always be initiated again once the bugs are worked out.
THE PAYMENT HAS NOW BEEN REVERSED. IT STARTED SHADY as all GET OUT. Now its official. This payment came from Jim Erw** and the other payments came from John Erw**. Didnt notice it then but now it seems he used someone elses account.
I got screwed by 4 chargebacks by 1 guy for $97 2 years ago. Paypal fucked me hard. Only gdmp from now on bud.
This needs to be resolved ASAP - Herd has been nothing but patient with this but this is ridiculous.
ya they wanted my old phone number for verification or something to send it, THIS ACCOUNT IS 8 YEARS OLD.... i dont use that sell anymore and tried to add new one to get code and woulnt let me, fuck ive trades 1000's np so far on this site, if im gonna scam its gonna be for alot more than 60 bucks...... but i guarantee if my points are not put be in my account right now, noone will get paid anything i owe, i have told bherd iwill go to WU if i must to pay him back or w/e by monday......... people need to chill the fck out
Taking your points is how it works if you had a trade dispute and you were proven in the wrong. There is no "misunderstanding" here. You openly admit you owe. It was paid.
I fucking told him he would get paid by tomorrow, he agreed as long as by monday.
haha what planet is this guy from. he own someone and doesnt feel the points shouldnt be on hold?
he's a glorified piece of shit
oh i got 1000 more times people that trust me more than you, guaranteed queerboy.l
you can shine up a turd to look real nice, but at the end of the day it's still shit.