apparently, MPetit can come here and brag about all his tourneys in chat all the time. BUT He cant come pay his default loans,... THe worst PART is he was playing in PO tourneys today now, ANd said to me,, "ITS smalll loan, go cry, and hes not goona pay." OMG LOL.... very nice person he is...IF its that meaningless to MR big shot,,, they why not just pay ur debts then?? I Have seen what hes done at PO be fore tho,b ut i hadnt dealt with him before till now, i guess he hasnt changed from his past behavior now either.OK i only m ade a post, casue of the nerve of saying that in PO game to me too, TY all OK.
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10-04-2012, 09:39 PM #1
BEware of MPETIT2,, now, goochbruiser in games carbon...