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  1. #11
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    I think that in a vacuum this was a bad bet 4 you dpagdet. Poker definitely got the better value, although in this instance the value wasn't realised. Getting 5-1 on the Heat winning 2 in a row is great value. If you bet $20 on Miami it was like near even $$$. So should you win that bet and double down on MIA @ home in a game 6; you wouldn't win $100 from $20. It would be more like $80. So slight value for Poker, although like I said it was not realised. Pretty sure that this series is going 7 games. Spurs are going to win though. They are just so much better coached, and they have such team chemistry. Miami conversely, doesn't really gel well. It also doesn't help that Wade is and has been @ best 85% in this entire playoff series. The Spurs management and coaching have done an incredible job of dictating to the Miami Heat the way that this series will be played. A fine example of that is no further evident in the fact that we haven't seen Birdman Anderson since game 3. The Heat can't play him because of the fact that the Spurs have created mismatches with their lineups. If Wade was 10% he could contain Parker,and allow LBJ to roam the passing lanes like he is great @ doing. If LBJ wasn't expending so much energy, he could also be more of a dynamic force on the other end of the court. I think the Spurs are showing the league that team basketball wins championships. If they win this series, it will be 5 championships in 10-11? years. That isn't a traditional DYNASTY, but it is for sure an extended duration of excellence. Just my 2 cents. Go Spurs. I am not really a fan of this "Dream Team" that was supposedly constructed of LBJ/Wade/Bosch. Screw that.
    damn well said lol

  2. #12
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    20 BCP sent

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by PokeYourFace View Post
    20 BCP sent
    Paid. thanks poke for very quick payment.

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