I am looking to run some low BI mtts and do a trial run for the SitNCrush LB. I would like to make a serious top 10 push in January. The SitNCrush promotion is a monthly progressive promotion, that is currently paying 77 places @ least $110. When this promotion concludes at the end of the month, it will undoubtedly pay out a few more places, and more money. What I would like to do is raise some funds and make a run at the end of this month, to not only see if I could obtain top 10 in January, but also to see if I could place on this months LB. One of the main SNG's that I would be playing would be the $7.70 PLO8 mtt. This mtt pays 3.4 points per SNG, and if I were to have started at the beginning of the month; I would only have needed to play 5 of them a day to place at the bottom of the LB and claim a prize that already is a minimum of $110. It likely will be $200 by months end. I have had several people express some interest in this, so I have decided to make an attempt to raise funds. I am pretty confident that I could make a very deep and profitable run with a $200 starting BR. I am willing to split profits on this stake, including RB and the LB bonus.
I know that several people here have staked me over the past 2-3 months, some with some really good success. I also know that $200 is a lot of money for most people here. I am willing to raise funds from multiple investors, as long as they are in it for the long haul. I am looking to run this stake until the end of January, and then reevaluate with my investors. I am very confident that we could make some serious money together. Even if you just wanted to invest $20, that would be 10%. If you are interested, don't hesitate to post itt or by PM'ing me. Thank-you all for any and all consideration. Lets make some $$$ I will be bumping this thread and answering any questions that serious inquirers will be asking. Any spam or troll posts will be deleted.
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12-14-2013, 04:07 PM #1
BCP SitNCrush and micro mtt stake request.