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  1. #61
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    anyone see bring around today?

  2. #62
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Ya he is here everyday in the afternnon, Same story, everyday, wait wait wait, im sorry im sorry im sorry, NO REPAYS

  3. #63
    PokerOwned Demi-God gimmeabrew's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    why is he playing FRs when he owes alot of point????

  4. #64
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    He laughs at all the suckers who gave him points.


    Look at the Leaderboard

    you all paid his way for free to over $40, in his bankroll

  5. #65
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    dude payed me back so whats your point, got mine back in 3 days and he kept me inform..better then some who just disappear all together, like mj, havent seen him for 3 days now and owe me 2k for 2 weeks

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    He is nothing but a d*** sucking liar. You all aint never going to get the points back.poofy and drywall stop hunging his d***.jesus christ he is a scammer and along with poofy are the ones leaking the PO password to bringme, poofy and drywall go f*** yourself!!
    Last edited by TheBeesKnees; 08-24-2011 at 12:23 AM. Reason: a little too cindylou

  7. #67
    PokerOwned Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Yep. Bringmecards is no doubt a scammer. I think most of us knew he was fishy to begin with, but we're all poker players, and we wanted to gamble on him. I think the first loan I gave him was 200, and he paid back 600 two days after he said he would I think. I thought those were good odds, so I took them. Second time, 1k to payback 1.5k the next day. Over a week late, and probably about 10 times he said the next day or by noon, or by night, he would pay back. Look... the waiting is annoying, especially the anticipation that it's going to be soon, and soon, and soon. Like I said, I took a gamble, so I'm not here to ask for my points back. Heck, you can keep the points bringmecards. You have no debt to me. I'm glad I'm starting to see negative posts about this guy because the positive posts earlier made me vomit. If you don't pay your bills by the due date, the company doesn't go... oh ya, okay, just get me when you get me. You scam people the instant you declare the terms of the repayment: the time you will pay back and how much you are going to pay back, and don't follow through. As soon as you break any aspect of the original terms, you scammed them. Ya, sure, eventually paying back isn't nearly as bad as never paying back, but you still didn't fulfill what you promised on the original deal. This is PO points, but the rule still applies; money now is worth more than money later. People might have missed a PO freeroll, or probably couldn't play in the PO client at the stakes they wanted because of missing points they thought they'd have back by now. But whatever... between our chats, you don't seem to have much empathy, otherwise, you wouldn't be asking for loans you know you can't pay back in a timely manner. I definitely don't hate you, and I don't think you should get into trouble because as poker players, we all know loans incur risk. But, if anyone asks if you're to be trusted, my answer will always be a big fat NO.
    Also, another member and I talked about you showing symptoms of a gambling problem. You might want to look into that. Definitely the last person to pretend I know anything about you, but it would explain A LOT!

  8. #68
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i never u sually read this type of thread,,, but first off wehn prawny pointed out this was like deja vu ,, i looked and it is lolol,, same story as before. i thought that was funnny. i dont really tho, is all goood, casue u guys are the ones lending pooints tho. hope it all works out,,, but I DONT really think its right when u borrow so many points, and know u cant pay back right away,, and then are playin in the PO client AND doin LLBS,, thats just silly, and i wounnt lend points like that,, but u guys are nice to do that for him, i guess,,, gl with it

  9. #69
    PokerOwned Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2011
    And we're also nice enough to try and do a gambling intervention for him or anyone who wants to start that thread. I'm too shameful to start one, but I'll definitely be posting in such a thread. I have problems too!!!

  10. #70
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i thoguht that was a goood post b eees and well said too> all truein my opinion too,,i just dont even know how these guys are sooo nice to lend so many points here, unlesss he is promising more on the return tho to get then to do, well anyways hope it all works out tho

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