CYRUS has 4k loan from me in sha rk,,,, and NOW SINCE all games are in client,,, he is leaving his points in client. HE PLAYS all the CLIENT tourneys,, and I HAVE TO BE ON same table with him a lothe wont answer any1 or say a word,,,,,,, he jsut w ins more points,, and plays more client games,, without even a word or efffort to move his points where i can COLLECT them. I HAVE tried to talk with zab in a PM, about this isssue now,, and he said to jsut insurance now... I H Ave never, realy ever been mad like this in over 3 years here.
BUT I feeel this is sending the WO RST MESSAGE to any defaulters in shark,,,, that u dont even have to pay,,, BUT U can keeep pl aying in client as much as u want,, without any consequences at all now...... I HAVE t talked to q quite a few people bout this,, and some mods and they all think this is NOT right..... IT makes me NOT even want to play client games to relax and have fun now,, wehn i have to play with him all the time too,, so i skippped currrent game now,, casue CYRUS is in next game now also.......... OK TY for listneing zab,,, and i hope u will take some action sooon,!!, and not let these defaulters keeep on playing freeely in client like this anymore. is jsut not right and fair TO REST of us.... if the points he ws making to play all th ese games, stayed in his acct, i wda have been able to collect some already also.
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07-19-2014, 12:27 AM #1
About cyrustvirus deadbeat here be warned
07-19-2014, 12:43 AM #2
I don't think it's right to have points hidden in client so someone an avoid paying a loan. I do realize Zab needs the action in client right now BUT (and don't give up on this reply just yet) blocking people from client who were in default was in place long before the site shake-up, and it's a rule I think quite frankly should have stayed.
If a defaulter leaves and never returns, it still sucks, but it totally blows and is far worse when you go into client to play and see that someone who owes you is playing and winning massive points and makes NO move to pay off their debt, and even more of a slap in the face when you lose to them.Last edited by Tecate; 07-19-2014 at 12:45 AM.
07-19-2014, 09:07 AM #3
If this is the case, Zab will move the points out for the person to collect. The problem here is he only earning enough to play one game at a time, which leaves a very small window to try and collect.
We have had this issue before and when it became out of control was when we put the measures into place. Right now cyrus is the only dead beat we are having the issue with.
The good thing is there is the insurance which yes is a long process and sucks but at least it is some form of recovery.
Cyrus's actions are really disgusting.
07-19-2014, 01:04 AM #4
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def. a few things that need to b fixed on po.there really has to b a ban for ppl that have been warned and ppl that are late on a loan like what just happen. really gotta start banning. only fair to the rest of us who go by the rules and honor our debt to a person whatever it may be.
07-19-2014, 01:30 AM #5
wow that is really scummy rricker, I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you. Such a nice and honest Pokerowned member like you should not have to deal with that. I hope you get your points back soon!
07-19-2014, 01:33 AM #6
This wouldn't happen if Bill Clinton was the president instead of Obama.
This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!
07-19-2014, 01:36 AM #7
obv he in cahoots with obama, obv that insurance linked to obamacare or somethin
I've stated my peace before, obv theres a conflict of interest the site feels with recovering funds, as the fear of losing a member that would do offers > need for members not getting ripped off. Easy fixes just not done, sighAlways Remember Your RootsMakeup Owed:
07-19-2014, 01:54 AM #8
is too bad the culprit CYRUS prollly wont even see this thread,, casue all he does,, is go in client to play lolll.........i n ever really got mad like this at any1 before,,,,, but now is a diff siitauation with client games,,, and i have to see them and play agaisnt them too,, and i gave him many chances to jsut an swer me or respond in private also before,,, resorting to try and get zab to notice this problem and help now too. and like TEcate, saiod,, is like a slap in face to h ave to PLAY agaisnt them also now too, in these client games.andd see them ignore everything and jsut carry on doing what they want.
07-19-2014, 03:00 PM #9
ZAB PM me this morning and said he snagged 249 points from CYRUS,,, BUT IDK wh ere they are,, casue he has ZERO points as usual.!!.... if zab "snagged" them,,,, they wont stay in his acct,, UNLESS ZAB stops him from entering client again, so whats the point"(i dont feeel like even p laying there anymore and sitting at same table as him,,,,, and so u are saying casue its jsut him? ZAB shdnt stop him from using his points in client EVERY DAY?
I THINK this is rediculous,, if zab jsut block himn from client for a few weeeks,,, watch how fast he will pay..........also i was told by other poeple,, hes not the only one who doing this
07-19-2014, 03:03 PM #10
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i feel you rickki i dont get why you can still enter client while in default thought it was a glitch or something
from the client upgrade because before you couldn't so zab can possibly change the settings or something to fix it then you can debt collect every time he has points<TONelson> F'real I am glad you are still a MOD here man. You give a shit. That matters