CYRUS has 4k loan from me in sha rk,,,, and NOW SINCE all games are in client,,, he is leaving his points in client. HE PLAYS all the CLIENT tourneys,, and I HAVE TO BE ON same table with him a lothe wont answer any1 or say a word,,,,,,, he jsut w ins more points,, and plays more client games,, without even a word or efffort to move his points where i can COLLECT them. I HAVE tried to talk with zab in a PM, about this isssue now,, and he said to jsut insurance now... I H Ave never, realy ever been mad like this in over 3 years here.
BUT I feeel this is sending the WO RST MESSAGE to any defaulters in shark,,,, that u dont even have to pay,,, BUT U can keeep pl aying in client as much as u want,, without any consequences at all now...... I HAVE t talked to q quite a few people bout this,, and some mods and they all think this is NOT right..... IT makes me NOT even want to play client games to relax and have fun now,, wehn i have to play with him all the time too,, so i skippped currrent game now,, casue CYRUS is in next game now also.......... OK TY for listneing zab,,, and i hope u will take some action sooon,!!, and not let these defaulters keeep on playing freeely in client like this anymore. is jsut not right and fair TO REST of us.... if the points he ws making to play all th ese games, stayed in his acct, i wda have been able to collect some already also.
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07-19-2014, 12:27 AM #1
About cyrustvirus deadbeat here be warned