Joey and his boyfriend
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Joey and his boyfriend
No chip dump due to the fact that there are few enough sites that us USA players can play on currently. So, I'm not going to jepordize my account w/ a chip dump. Just how I feel about it.
As for the transfer. Please ship funds to SendMeCookies... I'll accept the offer as soon as I recieve funds. Thanks.
I don't have a boyfriend, you moron.
hmmm some times a deal seems to good to be true......
It's a good deal Scottie....put my rep on it ;) (if my rep is good that is lol)
sounds like a good deal and i would do it but i dont have 2k points :(
Yeah not a bad deal thought for them that need points.
very good opportunity
Sounds like a good deal but I do not have that many points yet.