why are girls crazy?
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why are girls crazy?
Why would anyone attempt to open this can of worms?
It all comes down to Oestrogen
hormones are very high lol
no friends because I think that is the way to become of them
please somebody explain why my gf calls me during the day when she knows im working and asks me what im up too (DUHHHHH!!!) anyone else going through this shit lol
may be you crazy?
hmmmm.... yes, but thats besides the point lol
i dont even dare to enter a comment into this thread other than this 1... some things are better off left unsaid
I think Shaybay69 is right..some things are better off left unsaid :))
because we are guys and they are crazy for us
Maybe she calls you because shes bored and likes talking to you. :P That is a conversation starter...people say it even when they know what you're doing. XP Tell her you can't talk at work if you can't. :o
I'd let you call me at work Alyce :)
:D i have to text my gf every day, and if i forget she gets mad:D
bitches be crazy
lmao at the fact that i started this in february....
bitches do be crazy!!!
tupacs alive
its the estrogen they have WAY 2 much
I'm a three time loser (marriage) so I sure as hell don't have a clue....lol
we say they are crazy, but the wars that have been started over women between men, i say its the other way around, that thing between their legs drive men crazy, enough to kill for
I think its generally because guys put women too high up on a pedastool. they are human just like us and if you treat them like so your results will greatly improve. Hence girls dont like nice guys.
I could be in a room of fifty women and there be one sick (crazy) and that would be who I hooked up with,,,,I guess I have crazy radar only.
wow I was looking at the original date on this thread and someone dug way back to bump this thread, my advice is to ask a woman why she is crazy and report back here on how this mission ended up :)
I agree with this for the most part, except that girls don't like nice guys. Young stupid ones don't, that is for sure, been there. I went from that to the nicest guy in the world. We have been together for 10 years now and he has never even so much as called me a bitch. at least not to my face, lol
Smart girls do realize at some breaking point that bad boys are punks.
This would be funny, it is Saturday night, start asking guys!
i am the one that started this thread. lol.. i must of been drunk... but i revived while drunk... this shit is funny...
eat her til she cry, call that wine and dine
Ok Pooffy one question, do woman like Donks?????? LMAO
donkey dick
women aint crazy lmfao its this thread
too funny
i can explain why us women are CRAZY. ONE WORD!!!! MEN!!!!!!! that about sums it up... good luck on the felt :)
Men MAKE them that way
Life is not meant to be easy LOL it is just how it is
girls aren't crazy they,re just misunderstood.....
it's called estrogen
Psych !!!!
Those bitches were crazy long before I had anything to do with it, so don't try to blame me!
because boys make them 2