Golf balls are attracted to water as unerringly as the eye of a middle-aged man to a female bosom. ~Michael Green, The Art of Coarse Golf, 1967
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Golf balls are attracted to water as unerringly as the eye of a middle-aged man to a female bosom. ~Michael Green, The Art of Coarse Golf, 1967
Drugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about it, golf is the only sport where the players aren't penalized for being on grass. ~Bob Hope
I know I am getting better at golf because I'm hitting fewer spectators. ~Gerald Ford
The first time I played the Masters, I was so nervous I drank a bottle of rum before I teed off. I shot the happiest 83 of my life. ~Chi Chi Rodriguez
" you aint cool unless you pee your pants"
"well, if that's the case, consider me a regualr Miles Davis"
I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum. :p
"Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes...... just be an illusion."
"I did this", says my memory. "I can't have done this", says my proud, and stays inflexible. Lastly - memory cedes.
Nature Quote of the Day
My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.
When you're out with your honey
And your nose is kinda runny
Ya might think it's funny
But it snot
-My drunk Grandfather