Zab, and all of PO, first off, I want to apologize for being a jerk to more then a few people recently, I have been losing my ass this week down over $1000. That's not much of an excuse to be trolling people but i've just been in a shitty ass mood. I hope that you guys can understand where I am coming from and give me another chance. If not, I had a great run here this summer.
You do not have to worry about me trying to make a new account, as I have said before, I want to do it the right way. I'm far from perfect in the real world as well as here online, and things were said that did not need to be said. I have alot of friends here, way more friends then enemies. I'd be willing to take a lengthy main chat ban as It seems to just get me in trouble. Again, I'm sorry for being a douche, and I hope that you guys will let me back.

Thanks, Dustin