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  1. #11
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marlydog1812 View Post
    Nice post MM, sorry for the loss of your friend, I was always a big fan of Dame, she will be missed and surely she is up above stacking chips and having a good ole time.
    our friend.... the loss of our friend..
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  2. #12
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    I am still absorbing this... although it occurred months ago, I was informed twice in the past 2 weeks of someone close to me and in my age range or less passing away. Makes some one who is philosophical, a little bit more philosophical... if that makes sense.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
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    R.I.P. Dame . To me, Dame was a very good person and it's so sad she is gone.
    Last edited by greengiant; 01-03-2018 at 12:23 AM.
    Our body is the temple of God. No man shalt mix clay with iron will surely perish.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    DAMEEEEEEEEEEE, may she rest in peace!

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Demi-God gimmeabrew's Avatar
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    I remember one of the last times Dame was here think it was in late August 2016....all of us were making fun of GG that day as we often did lol. Dame made a joke about playing strip poker in the client and I said something like “hell no! GG will leave skid marks on the seats”

    Anyways I’m glad I got to spend so much time playing poker with her throughout the 4 years she was here. RIP Dame
    "Heard you're looking for a stud. Well, I got the S-T-D. All I need is you. " - Rooster

  6. #16
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CKC1UNV View Post
    Sad times all the way around. I knew she was goin through some tough times and medical problems, but hoped she'd pull through. We'll always remember the good times we had with her. RIP Dame.
    Indeed we will remember... I might just have to tousle your hair in her honor some day.... but, I won't enjoy it. lol
    Last edited by MichMan; 01-04-2018 at 10:10 PM.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  7. #17
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmeabrew View Post
    I remember one of the last times Dame was here think it was in late August 2016....all of us were making fun of GG that day as we often did lol. Dame made a joke about playing strip poker in the client and I said something like “hell no! GG will leave skid marks on the seats”

    Anyways I’m glad I got to spend so much time playing poker with her throughout the 4 years she was here. RIP Dame
    That's what I'm talking about... thanks for sharing that memory with us. And, I know for a fact she held you in high regard.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  8. #18
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmeabrew View Post
    I remember one of the last times Dame was here think it was in late August 2016....all of us were making fun of GG that day as we often did lol. Dame made a joke about playing strip poker in the client and I said something like “hell no! GG will leave skid marks on the seats”

    Anyways I’m glad I got to spend so much time playing poker with her throughout the 4 years she was here. RIP Dame
    Dame was here way longer than 4 years has to be LOL she was one of my first friends and I joined at the end of 2010 which is 7 years right now. It seems like she was one of the first people I knew and she and I would always chat really late Into the Night and that idiot azreal would come on and try to fight with Dame... I don't know I just know it's more than 4 years lol... thank you for sharing that give me she always really liked you and always said good things about you!!!!! I wrote a short email to her brother and said that she will be missed here for sure.

  9. #19
    Experienced Member Tonis's Avatar
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    Nicely said Mich, a beautiful poem for a beautiful person.
    Dame was such a colorful soul that was like a rubiks on any given night. She'd go from tough to sweet to funny all in a blink.
    You might get that one side to match but with her own style of twists she'd mix you right back up. It's why it was always so great playing poker with her. She made everything a puzzle, and interesting, and always left me laughing.

    She held you in very high regard, and told me so on numerous occasions.
    I don't doubt she let out some kind of censored shout up there to see your words.


  10. #20
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