I normally never post anything funny but today I am going to set aside the serious fox... the crazy fucking fox!!! ... and tell u a story about my friend today. He just deposited some funds onto bcp tonight for the first time when I stoped over, so he is playing deep stack 21.5k tournys, tryen to get paid...any ways...so I'm at home now...hours later...smoken on some fine grasses and doing some online surfing...u know...chillen...so anyways, he just hits me up on the phone through text and says, " hit me up on SKype, can't text right now, but gotta talk!!!" So I go to facebook and there seems to be a problem with it at the moment. It hasn't even been three minutes and he hits me again through text. Same message pretty much. So I hit him back letting him know that I can't...He hits me back, "stop texting me its cutting me offline everytime I get a text." Of course I sat here and laughed for a moment or two. Here this dude is like three hours into one of these tournaments and in the cash and wants to chat it up but evertime he txts he has to restart his computer...dumbass!!! play poker...anyhow... I couldn't resist sending him one more reply..."Get better internet service biaaaatch! lol"