already got 1 more than planned, but def next time, sorry
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pSlapSLAM folds
xsfg5 folds
joeyjmr8484 folds
** Flop ** [5h 6d 8d]
mindragon bets 1580 (All-in)
dpadgett1 calls 1260 (All-in)
cloudsurfer calls 1370 (All-in)
mindragon refunded 210
** Turn ** [Ah]
** River ** [Ts]
** Side Pot 1 Show Down ** [5d 6d 8d Ah Ts]
mindragon shows [Js Kd] (High Card Ace +KJT8)
cloudsurfer shows [Ad Kc] (a Pair of Aces +KT8)
cloudsurfer wins Side Pot 1 (220) with a Pair
** Main Pot Show Down ** [5d 6d 8d Ah Ts]
dpadgett1 shows [9s 9h] (a Pair of Nines +AT8)
cloudsurfer wins Main Pot (4110) with a Pair
rofl what a joke dude i flop an overpair and one guy ships king high allin and the next guy calls a high? wtf no draws.. 8 6 5 board.. pathetic! i knew i had them smashed