Last night we had 17 sneaks in the freeroll that staggering
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Last night we had 17 sneaks in the freeroll that staggering
And its always over 60 players in the freeroll and it takes to long to finish
I don't know about ya'll, but I'm tired of being put out by sneaks , so "HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU" but it doesn't change the fact the members who leaked the PW's are_ _ _'s, fill in the blanks...Take care
the sneaks are gone forever good enough for me, one day i am sure zab will bring back the 75 fr with a coupon system, give him time to upgrade the system for that
ya the sneak list was huge last night i hope we can get a bigger prize with 50 people buy in the free roll should be 50 bucks i mean at least for me the 775 points for 5.0 is about 150 points for a buck so 50people = 50.0
Sneaks are a bunch of pest. Maybe we can have a couple of more of $40 per day
well these tourneys are great. and no sneaks so nice. good luck all
Yeah, i'm pretty happy there are no more sneaks too, but frickin sneaks took the $75 freeroll down with them. lol
i like the idea of not having to post the password many times i got locked out this is so reffreshing
well maybe zab will be able to stil do a 75 dollar tourney know when he gets to 90 people per night... One a week would be cool... what do you think zab