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WhackaDonk Old School Video Games... 10-27-2013,
05:39 PM

azreal1 unless you go into the pc... 10-27-2013,
05:41 PM

DuckU408 i have Panasonic 3do for... 10-27-2013,
11:56 PM

MyDogsRMyHomies My family still watches the x... 10-28-2013,
01:51 AM

WhackaDonk I want to get the old Atari... 11-01-2013,
02:18 AM

eqgh5uea Steam is offering ppl the... 11-03-2013,
03:06 PM

MyDogsRMyHomies I miss A b A bb aa start... 11-04-2013,
01:16 AM

scooterdice i remember going to the... 11-04-2013,
07:17 AM

jasonacez gotta luv the old centipede... 11-06-2013,
01:10 AM

gimmesomemonay ABACABB was sega code for... 11-14-2013,
06:12 PM

wagon596 Back in the day, on Atari... 11-14-2013,
06:16 PM

mikey4141 Zelda for the original... 11-14-2013,
06:21 PM

PimpGameNM Ive been watching a somel... 11-15-2013,
05:15 AM

joshwayne420 Goin HAM on Zelda RIGHT NOW!! 11-15-2013,
05:17 AM

PimpGameNM I also saw some dude named... 11-15-2013,
05:21 AM

nevis sega genesis is still my... 11-17-2013,
11:33 AM

PimpGameNM Alex Kidd and the miracle... 11-18-2013,
03:41 AM

Rafonavator snes emulator, in there is a... 11-18-2013,
10:40 AM

Drock1116 I love the old school games,... 11-18-2013,
12:27 PM

DuckU408 kids these day have it so... 11-18-2013,
11:41 PM

newdaddyhere gotta love the nintendo.... 11-19-2013,
12:51 AM

Drock1116 I think that a lot of the... 11-19-2013,
10:12 AM

igor23 Used to make sure I won a... 03-07-2014,
08:42 PM

royalpat how about the old atari was... 03-08-2014,
08:08 AM

DuckU408 just play Ninja gaiden and... 03-08-2014,
03:24 PM

getmesome2 anyone remember the gyro with... 03-08-2014,
10:30 PM

getkrunkhoe the fACT THAT there iS A olD... 03-09-2014,
01:12 AM

brayx131 smash tv from the old time... 03-19-2014,
05:22 PM

billmaff Big super mario kart fan of... 04-29-2014,
06:26 PM

gatorspader I never got a chance to play... 05-20-2014,
12:16 PM

mikematusow I'm trying to get every... 06-09-2014,
04:01 AM

EddieTorr Anyone every play the... 06-16-2014,
10:47 PM
Zelda for the original Nintendo was the bomb!!!
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