gotta luv the old centipede donkey kong and pac man.we used to play the Olympic games one tossing the javelin
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gotta luv the old centipede donkey kong and pac man.we used to play the Olympic games one tossing the javelin
ABACABB was sega code for Mortal Kombat
Back in the day, on Atari Missile Command, I scored over a million points took hours with no pause button...Yes I was
Zelda for the original Nintendo was the bomb!!!
Super Mario would have to be one of the best old school games...right up there with Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Missile Command, Kaboom, Frogger, Galaga, and of course Pitfall and Space Invaders.
contra, and gratius are two of my favorite old school games . I also like the original zelda, that was pretty good too.
Ive been watching a somel angry video game nerd vids on youtube mildly entertaining
Goin HAM on Zelda RIGHT NOW!!
I just got my 4th key to the castle!