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  1. #81
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    this show is jsut soo goood, i,m still sad they ending it next week also...... i think now we can figure out there will be something big that will happen b etween jesse and walt now that walt, left his hideout and jesse is still alive too,,,, i,m sure it will be good,,, i,m still mad jesse didnt get away from t hose other freaks last nite, aw lol, he almost did tho.....and stilll cant figure out whats going on with todd, and the lady drug dealer, lol...

  2. #82
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    how are they gonna end it is the big question???? and i was also shocked they killed jesses g/f!! but i think jesse needs to be shot, snitching rat mfer LOL. those neonazi greedy mfers should have taken walts money and hauled ass already! why make more, they got 70 million dollars!! dumb asses LOL and i doubt the spinoff will be any good!! but we will see!!

  3. #83
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    I think he goes after the real villin of the show. The owner of grey matter boned him long ago, he should have been a millionaire and they stole his idea and business and if they didn't he wouldn't have had to do what hes done, you could tell on the last show at the end it infuriated him. I say he kills todd and that bunch, then the grey matter guy and wife, and Jessie lives. I was hoping scumbag saul would finally get whats coming but I guess not.

  4. #84
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by omahafreak View Post
    I think he goes after the real villin of the show. The owner of grey matter boned him long ago, he should have been a millionaire and they stole his idea and business and if they didn't he wouldn't have had to do what hes done, you could tell on the last show at the end it infuriated him. I say he kills todd and that bunch, then the grey matter guy and wife, and Jessie lives. I was hoping scumbag saul would finally get whats coming but I guess not.
    u wot m8? Walter was the one who sold his share so he boned himself. And how is Saul a scumbag? LMFAO! not sherrif srs

  5. #85
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Saul could not give a rats ass about no one but himself, hes a sleazy lawyer like most of us imagine a bad one would be. Seeing Jessie kick his ass and he crying like a baby was good, was just hoping karma could work its magic somehow...And I know he sold his share for nothing but it was under duress and other stuffs. Just my opinion we can all agree it is the most epic show ever and we will be glues to amc sunday night!

  6. #86
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omahafreak View Post
    I think he goes after the real villin of the show. The owner of grey matter boned him long ago, he should have been a millionaire and they stole his idea and business and if they didn't he wouldn't have had to do what hes done, you could tell on the last show at the end it infuriated him. I say he kills todd and that bunch, then the grey matter guy and wife, and Jessie lives. I was hoping scumbag saul would finally get whats coming but I guess not.
    so u think walts goona kill his wife too?? idk th at will happen.... i think it prolyyy will be something we cant even predict yet lol,,, but goona be goood.... and tracy mentioned some spinoff?? i havent heard anthing bout that at all yet.......

  7. #87
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    someone mentioned a Saul spinoff in other replies!! i wont watch it!! and why would he kill his wife??? everything he has done has been for her and his family!! im guessing hes getting his money back and flies of to Beliz or somewhere with no extradition laws! I dont think they will put him in jail or have him die! just in case they want to come back at another time!! but sundays show should be excellent!

  8. #88
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    yes if u need to catch up now is the time! start watching the every single episode on amc they are running a marathon

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    why breaking bad is so bad ass? never seen one second of it in my life. whats the hype!

  10. #90
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2013
    marathon on all day today and tomorrow started last night on AMC

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