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humoviejo Breaking Bad' Returns On... 07-31-2013,
10:36 AM

gpahren I guess I should start... 07-31-2013,
10:39 AM

lordgort It's really a series that... 07-31-2013,
10:58 AM

tracyrickrobby it is a good show!! shame its... 07-31-2013,
11:17 AM

ogKamehameha Breaking Bad 08-13-2013,
11:12 AM

quinnyjc how do you think they will... 08-14-2013,
05:38 PM

bloodspilla1 sweet show.. sucks that its... 08-16-2013,
12:46 AM

KillerAce How is this show? Iv heard... 08-16-2013,
03:30 PM

newdaddyhere the best show hands down.... 08-23-2013,
08:50 PM

DMdieyoung Excelent I am watching this... 09-06-2013,
11:25 AM

jetsalltheway12 love this show it stinks its... 09-08-2013,
07:53 AM

tracyrickrobby Last nites show was so... 09-09-2013,
04:05 PM

rrickir last nites show was really... 09-09-2013,
04:15 PM

tracyrickrobby all snitches need to die!!! ... 09-10-2013,
09:36 AM

KillerAce I mean after he gets caught... 09-10-2013,
12:22 PM

tracyrickrobby i knew the bad guys were... 09-10-2013,
12:44 PM

tracyrickrobby great episode last nite!! i... 09-16-2013,
10:49 AM

odnarud holy crap. this show is... 09-16-2013,
09:01 PM

ShiceT not sure i like how the... 09-16-2013,
09:28 PM

tracyrickrobby but why would they need jesse... 09-17-2013,
10:36 AM

sunburnt2k11 there's a tear rolling down... 09-20-2013,
10:59 AM

MyDogsRMyHomies Here we go baby!!! Walt is... 09-22-2013,
07:39 PM

sunburnt2k11 just saw the dvr of the show... 09-23-2013,
02:06 PM

tracyrickrobby how are they gonna end it is... 09-24-2013,
06:46 AM

omahafreak I think he goes after the... 09-25-2013,
11:08 PM

omahafreak Saul could not give a rats... 09-26-2013,
02:10 AM

tracyrickrobby someone mentioned a Saul... 09-26-2013,
09:06 AM

bigphatmike yes if u need to catch up now... 09-26-2013,
12:11 PM

SpankenStein408 why breaking bad is so bad... 09-26-2013,
04:17 PM

SpankenStein408 why breaking bad is bad ass?... 09-26-2013,
04:20 PM

Drock1116 I really hope that they at... 09-27-2013,
10:34 AM

marcianoz63 I loved this series a lot... 09-27-2013,
12:21 PM

boejashnakas cant wait to see the final of... 09-27-2013,
01:18 PM

MyDogsRMyHomies here we go Walt is finna go... 09-29-2013,
04:42 PM

Drock1116 Ive only watched 1or 2... 09-30-2013,
10:16 AM

jayyy27 I still have all of this... 09-30-2013,
12:39 PM

marcianoz63 This return will be very good... 09-30-2013,
01:14 PM

mikey4141 Breaking Bad was the Best tv... 09-30-2013,
01:33 PM

boejashnakas Will Walt get away with it?... 09-30-2013,
01:56 PM

PimpGameNM i knew lydia would get tjhe... 09-30-2013,
03:36 PM

boejashnakas Just watched the last... 10-01-2013,
10:30 AM

tracyrickrobby i just finished watching the... 10-01-2013,
03:34 PM
how many will there be this last half?
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