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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran EyegotnutZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Today I faired mucho better...

    Well, today I didn't have time at work to worry about tracking my tourney loss hands. As I was very busy I played a touch looser to much looser as work had me hopping and my care level was a lot less...hence freeroll mayhem. I took second on juicy ticket freeroll..had to leave for dinner with the lady..5 left and I had 250 k and 2nd place only had 50k...well I forfeited the win and as I figured 2nd place ticket was mine without my presence...boring headup game I am also made the top 20 in a BOL freeroll today. So I will continue my freeroll mission with yesterday shitty luck behind me and renewed vigor....

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran EyegotnutZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    and the last tourney of the eve was also a success with a full flush final table finish in the $50 freeroll. Ultimately busting in 7th with KK vs aq and with two aces hitting him on the flop and all my chips in the middle preflop my outs were limited very much so but I was satisfied with my finish as I was one of the shortstacks from the bubble to my demise....very choosy spots and hands to get to where I did...and the crowd goes one man crowd anyway..

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