Hit my $100 mark on PO b4 April 1st fools. ALL Carbon Games if that even really matters...
Maybe join another site and shoot for $200 by May 1st hmm idunno
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Hit my $100 mark on PO b4 April 1st fools. ALL Carbon Games if that even really matters...
Maybe join another site and shoot for $200 by May 1st hmm idunno
Bluffed all in with 37s and opponent had AA. Flopped a 45Q. Turn 2. and River 6. Put me into the money
Hit a small-end bad beat jackpot at Commerce with AJ off and guys had PKt Kings. I was allin for $15 so I am not complaining. I love the action at Commerce and most of the floor are pretty decent in their decisions.
i won about 300 in my cash game for the week and placed 2 in a 4 table freezeout for 400
4 carbon 11th plo acr 4 nlhm acr Yesterday........come get some.
big morning wood this morning
I won the 2$ super knockout tourney on bovada last night. there were over 125 players and I knocked out at least 15 of them. I was proud of myself
I also won a pot-limit holdem tournament last night that I thought was pot-limit when I joined. It was the first time I played pot limit in at least a year. I felt like I that was a huge accomplishment since I hadn't played pot-limit anything in a long time.
Took down the VOTF Joker's Smile tonight for a whopping $10 and a whole lotta brownie points
Brand new to pokerowned, and decided to get enough points for the bovada freeroll. And dominated it taking first very securely :)