I finished in first in the PO BCP Freeroll
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I finished in first in the PO BCP Freeroll
Been busy with classes fall semester and only started back up playing for a few days when I got 2nd in a 500 gtd and made 150 dollars off a 11 dollar investment :)
Haven't played any cash games recently until I joined PO, but I took down a $2 180seat turbo tourney for $108 on Pstars the day before Black Friday. I used to wreck the microstakes as BOOM, DUDE - one $20 deposit lasted for 2 yrs and I built up my BR to $270 right before they shut down US players. I was 10 VPP away from stars rewards and 62 VPP away from SilverStar. My BR was about to explode :(
i know this isnt a tourney win...but i bought on to 2 tables of bovada's rush poker thing for 25nL each. In about 3 hours, I ran the 50 up to 350!!!
sadly, i played waay over my head after that and lost back 200.
still good work Plutogon, I love to two table Speed poker, I play so much better as so much easier to fold crap...
Happy New Years 2014 to everybody. My latest accomplishments have been how quick can you lose your bankroll in cash games and tell yourself that your not on tilt. Now thats funny.
i took my friends for 40$ in cash home game. then i lost it at the bar playing liars dice for 20$ a game.
2 nights ago I won a little $1.10 rebuy on America's Card Room
I just got 4th out of 231 in a Wild Wild West tourney on the Winning Poker Network for a cash of $180. I only took a buy-in and 5 rebuys up front for an investment of $3.60 whereas the total number of rebuys for that tourney was 3584 and also 85 addons (cost of addon: $3.00) which I didn't take. So the average number of rebuys per player was 15.5. Most players will take less up front and just keep rebuying for 500, 1,000, 2,000 etc chips when they bust during the first hour. Although it was a very long time coming for me, I believe my method is better for roi than the way most players approach that ridiculously structured tourney.
1st in plo tourney than 2nd in NL next game i played than first in the next NL freeRoll last 2 days