jst won freeroll on pokerstars 17000 entrants $278 bck great return for nuthin
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jst won freeroll on pokerstars 17000 entrants $278 bck great return for nuthin
nice thats a good accomplishment
i lost and recovered about $ 10 three days in a row now hope i dont lose it back again tomm. gonna take it easy now lol
Congrats BlackBird very good price :)
Well got second last night in freeroll. But who remembers 2nd lol. Anyway, like I said before, the freerolls are unpressured and fun to play. Glad to have joined the site. Now if I can just figure out how to get my points for my task, maybe I can play more.
Like I said, who remembers 2nd lol but got it again tonight. I know one thing, I'm sure not going to play my little money with those pennies. can't win a dime in that crap. Also finished in top 20 tonight in 300 GTD deep stack. I guess as long as you double or triple your money nothing else matters. Had fun any way it goes. See you guys at the tables.
I just took a shit.
fetl good