So I'm in an MSPT event, buy-in is $1200 (I've sattied in for $250). It's early, 50-min blind levels, we start very deep, etc.
I'm in the BB with 34s. There are 4 limps in front of me, so I check my option (I could make a case for a raise there, but it's sort of a trappy table and we're still fairly deep).
Th flop comes As 5s Td, giving me a gutshot straight draw and a low flush draw (and of course one out for a straight flush). It checks to the button who bets 3/4 of the pot. I consider a raise, but elect to call and keep the pot in front of me. Player on my left thinks for quite a while, then also calls, the other two fold.
The turn brings lightning, when the 2c drops, filling my straight. I fire out a sizeable bet, almost the size of the pot. To my surprise/delight, the player on my left shoves his short-ish stack. To my horror, the button shoves his still-complete stack over the top. I'm only horrified because I realize at least one of these players has a set and therefore I may be out of the tourney if I call. Which I do, obviously.
The guy on my left triumphantly turns over 55 for a middle set, and the fool with the big-stack is also amazingly proud of his KTs, lol. My stomach begins rising to my throat, in anticipation of....
The river 7s.
Good game. Drive home safely.
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Thread: Today's $1200 cooler
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11-02-2013, 03:28 PM #1
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Today's $1200 cooler
11-02-2013, 08:26 PM #2
yeah that sucks, but that can happen when you play low cards like that, you hit a straight with the redraw for a flush but there is always the possibility of a higher draw out there that will put you dead and he must have felt like gambling... sucks.
11-02-2013, 08:54 PM #3
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Yeah, I'm not bitter, and I can't say I'd have played his hand much differently. He was obviously in love with his pair/nut draw, and thought he could isolate the short stack if he pushed me out of the way. And, if he gets lucky and I'm also on a flush draw, then he has me clobbered. Surely the set caught him a bit off guard, but my straight surprised everyone - just one of those sneaky "BB special" hands that I let get out of control too early. I'd never have voluntarily entered that pot with that hand in that position, but once the flop comes, I recognize the implied odds if someone WAS trapping and I did hit.
What makes it funny is that the limpers got exactly what they wanted: they saw a cheap flop they loved, and found two players to come along with them. The shorty flops his set and perfectly chases nobody away, waits until the turn to narrow the draws before attempting to isolate me. The button flopped mid-pair and nut flush draw, gets a good value c-bet in with two callers, then makes his play to try to isolate the short stack. If shorty just has an A (which is unlikely given that he check-called the flop), he's still not far behind, and if he's been trapped he still clearly has a pile of outs.
I was just the lucky idiot, who suddenly became the real unlucky idiot. The common theme is that I'm an idiot, lol. It was just one of those "wow did that just happen" moments.
Meh. My "one time" turned into "next time."
11-02-2013, 09:00 PM #4
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Altho this does highlight the fun of being backed, since my staker spent over $600 getting me into the $1200 game and played the game himself so he got 2 full shots for a discount.
I actually profited, since after the satellite I crushed a 4/8 OE ring game for an hour and a quick couple hundred. I keep half the profit from that, and got to play poker for 4 days at no cost.
Even with wicked coolers and hilarious beats, life is goooood.
11-02-2013, 09:06 PM #5
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11-02-2013, 09:15 PM #6
11-11-2013, 12:53 PM #7
uhhh...i dont think this is call a cooler in poker term if you go to showdown.
This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!
11-13-2013, 04:48 PM #8
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11-13-2013, 03:58 PM #9
Great thread!
"We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry
11-13-2013, 07:54 PM #10
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That seemed early on in your recount of the hand that you had doubts and figured you'd likely lose chips.