So I'm in an MSPT event, buy-in is $1200 (I've sattied in for $250). It's early, 50-min blind levels, we start very deep, etc.

I'm in the BB with 34s. There are 4 limps in front of me, so I check my option (I could make a case for a raise there, but it's sort of a trappy table and we're still fairly deep).

Th flop comes As 5s Td, giving me a gutshot straight draw and a low flush draw (and of course one out for a straight flush). It checks to the button who bets 3/4 of the pot. I consider a raise, but elect to call and keep the pot in front of me. Player on my left thinks for quite a while, then also calls, the other two fold.

The turn brings lightning, when the 2c drops, filling my straight. I fire out a sizeable bet, almost the size of the pot. To my surprise/delight, the player on my left shoves his short-ish stack. To my horror, the button shoves his still-complete stack over the top. I'm only horrified because I realize at least one of these players has a set and therefore I may be out of the tourney if I call. Which I do, obviously.

The guy on my left triumphantly turns over 55 for a middle set, and the fool with the big-stack is also amazingly proud of his KTs, lol. My stomach begins rising to my throat, in anticipation of....

The river 7s.

Good game. Drive home safely.