man i feel bad for this guy he thought he hit the highest pair chek this out.......
Table #46202481 - Musselburgh 1
Starting Hand #2142358957
Start time of hand: 06 Aug 2012 22:26:11
Last Hand #2142358147
Game Type: HOLD'EM
Limit Type: NO LIMIT
Table Type: RING
Money Type: REAL MONEY
Blinds are now $0.02 / $0.04
Button is at seat 6
Seat 1: scarfacechen - $5.03
Seat 2: punter4444 - $4.14
Seat 3: BigCarlJ - $0.68
Seat 4: Elliza - $0.76
Seat 6: gerardus1956 - $1.56
Shuffling Deck
Moving Button to seat 1
punter4444 posts small blind ($0.02)
BigCarlJ posts big blind ($0.04)
Dealing Cards
Dealing [A h][A s] to punter4444
Elliza folds
gerardus1956 raises to $0.08
scarfacechen folds
punter4444 raises to $0.12
BigCarlJ folds
gerardus1956 calls $0.12
Pot sizes: $0.28
Dealing Flop [Q h][3 s][4 c]
punter4444 bets $0.28
gerardus1956 raises to $0.56
punter4444 calls $0.56
Pot sizes: $1.40
Dealing Turn [4 s]
punter4444 bets $0.04
acko2007 brings $1.60 to table 46202481
gerardus1956 raises to $0.78
punter4444 calls $0.78
Pot sizes: $2.96
Dealing River [5 d]
punter4444 bets $0.04
gerardus1956 calls $0.04
Pot sizes: $3.04
Taking Rake of $0.30 from pot 1
punter4444 shows [A h][A s]
punter4444 has Two Pairs: Aces, 4s
gerardus1956 shows [Q c][A d]
gerardus1956 has Two Pairs: Queens, 4s
punter4444 wins $2.74 with: Two Pairs: Aces, 4s
Seat 1: scarfacechen - $5.03
Seat 2: punter4444 - $5.38
Seat 3: BigCarlJ - $0.64
Seat 4: Elliza - $0.76
Seat 5: acko2007 - $1.60
Seat 6: gerardus1956 - $0.06
End of Hand #2142358957
Results 1 to 8 of 8
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08-06-2012, 06:37 PM #1
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this just happened 1 minute ago lol