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  1. #31
    Sergeant Romulus1970's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    Very nice hand, a pair are big always, but on fulltilt maybe 2-3 is bigger.I hope not for me

  2. #32
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    January 24th 2011

    Today was a bad day. Started out great, but went downhill from there.

    I started out playing my second Poker Stars Home Game ever. I got first place. I waited for some good hands, started getting them, winning pots, getting better hands, winning more pots, getting more good hands, winning. All in all, it was a really awesome game. I don't think I lost a sizable pot the whole game.

    That makes 2 Poker Stars Home Games played. 2 Poker Stars Home Games first places.

    The winning hand:

    There is a payout for overall points standings at the end of the month January. I missed Game 1, won Game 2, slept through Game 3, won Game 4. I am now sitting in first in the overall point standings.

    After that I played a few freerolls, but nothing good. Then I played the Dimer, with 4 entries. I started out good, I held top 100 for quite sometime with one of my entires. I was in 11th place at first break. But it went downhill after that. I waited for good cards, but it seemed every hand everyone wanted to get all their chips in. I was stupid, and did quite a few rebuys, and added on to all my stacks. I ended up spending $7 on a 10c tournament, and winning nothing. I was pretty sore about that. I hate rebuy tournaments. I hate the way people play in them, and I hate the way I rebuy sometimes. I have them filtered out of my Full Tilt lobby I hate them so much. It was my worst loss, and worst bankroll decision in at least a week or two.

  3. #33
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    I played some more freerolls. No good results. One, I was chip leading in, til we got into the money. I lost 1/3 of my stack on a open ended straight draw with mid pair. But top pair crappy kicker pushed all in, I called and yeah, lost. I ended up getting a dollar. But after the Dimer things kinda just went sour. Once again, I was running off only 4 or 5 hours of sleep, and I swear, I don't ever want to play poker tired again.

    Here's some great hands that sum up yesterday:

    'Ooh, back to back pocket aces!'

    'Ah jeez, everyone's sitting out.'

    The sounds all messed up on my computer. It goes in and out.

    'Wasn't I playing a BLT Satellite too? Where'd that go?'

    'Aw crap, pocket aces folded.'

    'Jeez not again.'

    Luckily, I ended up cashin in both those, or I'da probably thrown my computer out the window.

    As if the day wasn't bad enough already, I decided to take $7 on Rush and dig myself out of a hole. Well, AK top 2 pair got beat by a mid set. Perfect ending to a horribly played day. Never gonna play tired again. Never gonna rebuy again. And Rush, whatever...

  4. #34
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    January 25th 2011

    Pretty bad, pretty bad, pretty bad.

    I started out playing my noon Poker Stars Home Game. Since I am the resident kick ass, and points leader, there was a $1 bounty added on my head. The guy who runs it, was highly encouraging everyone to take me out. I loved all this, knowing that a bunch of idiots were going to be throwing their chips at me, I just had to wait for good solid hands. I played one hand, where I had a nice pocket pair, and got a free double up. Then I folded, and folded and folded. I played a hand here or there, but let things go real easily.

    Then I got dealt 77. I hadn't played a hand in a long time. I raised it up a good amount. Got one caller. A guy who had called 75 percent or more of all the bets I had made. Obviously just trying to collect my bounty, and doin a pretty bad job. The flop goes 349, rainbow. I shove all in and he calls. He shows 66. Sweet. Gonna get another nice stack of chips. Turn card 6. WTF? River blank. I'm crippled down to about 500 chips. The guy says I knew it, like he made some great call. He made a great suck out, and an idiot call is all. I'm pretty pissed about this, and I'm kinda over this tournament. I fold a few hands and get dealt AJ. I shove all in, and get two callers. Of course. Flop has a king, one guy bets, other guy folds. I get beat by KTo. Dude called my all in for like 1/3 of his chips with KTo. Love it. Bout the only way they can beat me in that league is to suck out. Nice, well they can't suck out every time.

    The good thing is I'm still ranked number one in the league, and there's only a few games left. I missed out on some valuable points, but I'll get more next time.

    That's my only complaint so far with Poker Stars Home Games, the league I'm playin in only rewards points for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place finish. A guy who gets 4th, should earn something more than the first guy out. Also, just for showing up and playing, you should get more points than the guy who doesn't play at all. Pretty lame.

    Played a few freerolls, nothin good.

    Here is my 'What Were They Thinking Hand of the Day':

    Doh! Good bye. Never seen someone play T9s so hard pre flop and post. He played them like the were aces or kings.

  5. #35
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    My first taste of final table felt, for the day:

    I ended up losing that entire stack on one horribly misplayed hand. Stupid.

    This was pretty cool. Four tabling, 3 entries in the Dimer, one a Freeroll. Just really refreshing to see aces hold up against so many hands.

    So yeah, I played the Dimer, both of them, with 4 entries each. I maintained a top 25 chip stack with one of my entries, for the majority of the game, til we got down to about 500 left. I stopped getting hands, and just spent my time folding. I went out when the first decent hand I'd seen in a long time, TT ran into AA.

  6. #36
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Played another freeroll. Went through a really nice stretch of hands. Seemed like sets were just raining from the sky. I saw another guy flop a set of 7's right around these same hands too.

    I made it to the final table as chip leader, but my luck changed with a pocket jacks hand. Kind of put me on tilt, and I misplayed my way right out of the money. Too horribly misplayed final tables.

    This hand pretty much sums up the day:

    Well, I'm really sick of having crappy days. I was doing so good up until last Sunday. Something has to change. If it doesn't get a whole heck of a lot better, I'm gonna take a break.

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