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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Thirdi3 View Post
    yesterday was a pretty good day for me turned $0 into $6 with some help from Mr. CoddBrunson

    Woulda been more but some donk got some amazing runners in The Ferguson, all in all a good day for me though.
    I was glad I could help. You were here before me. You are an awesome part of PokerOwned. Many reasons.

    I was ready to see you go all the way to the final table, but that was a horrible suck out. The kind of hand that makes my stomach hurt. And not the, 'oh I have a tummy ache' hurt, the 'I'm sorry sir, the pain you are experiencing is stomach cancer, you have less than, well... I'm surprised you're still alive' kind of hurt. lol

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beardown420 View Post
    Very nice man, I have tried this before and took a $10 win in a UB freeroll to taking 2nd in a $3 rebuy tourny for just under $1000 I cashed out and that was the end of my streak but it wasnt too bad it paid for almost half of my girlfriends engagement ring.
    Very nice win man. Sorry to hear you gave it away in jewelry form.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CoddBrunson View Post
    I was glad I could help. You were here before me. You are an awesome part of PokerOwned. Many reasons.

    I was ready to see you go all the way to the final table, but that was a horrible suck out. The kind of hand that makes my stomach hurt. And not the, 'oh I have a tummy ache' hurt, the 'I'm sorry sir, the pain you are experiencing is stomach cancer, you have less than, well... I'm surprised you're still alive' kind of hurt. lol
    lol, yea that beat sucked, but I still won $3, so im not super mad. Just gotta take the good beats with the bad. im up to $7 on my AP account now, steadily climbing!

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Veteran kenzor's Avatar
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    Nice journal codd! Thats an awesome turn from 0.55$ up to 32$ !! Hope to see more posts from u here and really hope u'll be up to 100$ i'd love to get some advice from you and maybe we'll play toghether sometime
    good luck at the tables!!

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by en3rgy View Post
    Nice, good luck to you man! By the way, if you want to reach 10k bank roll, then what are you to play after you have bigger bank roll, like 200 $, or you want always to play BLT... ?
    Of course I will move up in stakes and the tournaments/SNG's that I enter. I am just trying to establish a bankroll now that can survive a day or two of variance and allow me to play as many $1, $2 and $3 tournaments/SNG's that I want to play. Plus be able to buy into cash games for $5 or $10.

    I will always play the BLT, I will not always play Satellites to The BLT.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenzorflushed View Post
    Nice journal codd! Thats an awesome turn from 0.55$ up to 32$ !! Hope to see more posts from u here and really hope u'll be up to 100$ i'd love to get some advice from you and maybe we'll play toghether sometime
    good luck at the tables!!
    I'm actually at $80 right now. That screen shot that shows $32, also has 16 T$ and I'm showing registered for $13.20 worth of tournaments below it. For a total of about $60.

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    23 January 2011

    Today was a really off day. It all started when my computer froze up last night right before I was done. I ended up sleeping through some freerolls I really wanted to play, a PS home game I really wanted to play, and having to play catch up on some crap because of the computer freezing. It all started me off on the wrong foot, and I never really got balanced. I did no damage to my bankroll, but what I am really disappointed in, is the money lost that could have been earned. I ended up 23 cents up for the day. My usual BLT Sat's I finished $1 down, after a disappointing 2 wins, 7 losses and 3 of them voided out. Luckily I was up a dollar and some change from Badugi, which should have been more, but of course the one hand I walk away from the keyboard, I get dealt a Badugi on the button. That pretty much sums up the day.

    Since I have nothing interesting or awesome to show for, I leave you with my favorite hand of the day:

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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  9. #29
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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  10. #30
    Master Sergeant
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    Dec 2010
    ur pretty bad and lucky...bad combo...lmao...u'll lose it all cause luck runs out and donks always get theirs in the end...good luck lmao

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