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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    January 22nd 2011

    Today was another good day. Hell, today was a great day. The only downside of today, was I was a little tired, and started to play crappier towards the end of the night.

    Last night I was winning, and I couldn't get off until I stopped winning. I ended up going to bed at 630 am. I woke up at 1030 am for a freeroll starting at 11. I only got 4 hrs of sleep, which ended up hurting me a little at the end of the night.

    Started playing freerolls in the beginning. Nothing great, just warming up. Meanwhile I was playing my regular Satellites to the BLT. I had gone to bed at 5 straight wins in a row, and continued that streak when I woke up. After a 6th win in a row, I placed 27th for $1.65. Not a full win, but definitely not a loss. Then I won 3 more in a row after that, so basically 10 straight back to back satellite to the BLT wins. That's 16 dollars profit.

    I played my first Poker Stars Home Game. It was a league points event for another forum I am member of. Being my first Home Game, I really wanted to start with a win. I was chip leading, and ended up gobbling up second chip stack with top set. That gave me an overwhelming chip lead, and it was only a matter of time after that.

    The Final Hand:

    Played some more freerolls, meanwhile the whole time playing BLT Sats. Min cashed in one that paid out 9 spots. A whoppin' 75 cents. Then I played a few more freerolls. Was doin really good in one. Got down to the final table and I was the chip leader. I was playing 4 tables at the same time. The final table really dragged out as only 4 spots paid, and no one wanted to bubble. I ended up going on tilt after things got really lame on all the tables I was playing on, all at once.

    One table I couldn't get cards to save my life. So I kept folding. I would get a decent starting hand, raise it, and someone would shove all in, and I would have to fold. Another table I kept getting sucked out on. The final table I was playing, every time a player was almost eliminated, they'd either suck out in a hand, or someone else would double them back up in a really stupid hand. I was slowly dropping in chips, and ended up shoving on a hand I shouldn't have, after I was just too fed up. I was disappointed in how I played that final table, but I min cashed for $3.

    After that, I busted out of the other freerolls, except one. It was on Ultimate Bet, it only had a few players, first place was $10; but it was the tournament that I couldn't get a hand to save my life. Luckily, things turned around. I started getting some cards. Made some good plays and started building my stack. I got down to the final table. The tourney paid out 5 places. We got into the money, then it came down to the final three. I was chip leading, but I had a real aggressive small stack on my left. The other guy was obviously less experienced. Every time I beat the aggressive stack down, he would get chips off the other guy. It was a pretty crazy final table. The aggressive small stack ended up doubling off the other guy, and then he finished him off.

    Heads Up. Other guy was leading in chips with about 12k to 20k. Play went back and forth for a little while, then I raised a hand with something like K6. The other guy shoved all in. I felt he was tryin to bully, so I called all in. He had me dominated with K8, I believe. I ended up sucking out a straight, and winning the hand. Bad call, I got lucky. I was now the chip leader. About 24k to 7k. Play continued back and forth. Other guy never really recovered. I raised, and other guy shoved all in. He had done this several times to me, and I was really starting to feel, he couldn't possibly have a better hand everytime. I had folded quite a few like that, not wanting to double him up. I called. I had QJ. He had A5o. I ended up hitting a queen and he flipped out. Oh well, first place $10. I did get real lucky several times, the K6 hand was pretty bad, but what do you expect when you shove so much? You're kinda pulling a slot machine lever.

    That was my biggest cash of the day. I ended winning 6 BLT Sats, cashing in 2, and losing 5 for a total profit of $8.15. Was a pretty good day, could have been greater, had a lot of fun until I started getting tired and playing crappier. I lost the last freeroll I played, in a really stupid hand. I was real disappointed in myself. Then my computer pretty much crashed when an auto scan came on and I had too many programs running. That really sucked. But I finished the day with a $19.69 profit.
    Last edited by CoddBrunson; 01-23-2011 at 10:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Seasoned Veteran Smilie 13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ok you are addicted lol. I play alot also but I try to get my sleep for the tournies do last longggggg and have to have the patience and skill to last out all the donks , all ins and crabby ppl lol. All the best in future playing .

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    prop bet sounds like fun....You had a better day than me...I was up and down all day. Would win $1 SNG and use that for larger field tourney.Played the AM and PM daily dollars and a couple of guarantees, getting close bur not cashing. Basically a break even day. Send thoughts about prop bet and gl today

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Moderator CoddBrunson's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDignified View Post
    prop bet sounds like fun....You had a better day than me...I was up and down all day. Would win $1 SNG and use that for larger field tourney.Played the AM and PM daily dollars and a couple of guarantees, getting close bur not cashing. Basically a break even day. Send thoughts about prop bet and gl today
    Basically I would say, make a bet on who can reach a certain milestone first. It would have to be fair to both of us, my bankroll on FT is at $70.58 including T$. Tell me what your bankroll is at, and if you think this is fair, but I say, bet $10 on who can hit $250 first without depositing. How does that sound to you?

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