one thing i have to say is i think its kinda funny when every1 al ways to post all thier bad beats>:) The longer u play poker,, esp online, u will just naturally experience ur share of bad beats, and maybe some really awful ones too. JUst the nature of the GAME. hehe. can u imagine if all the pros, walked around all day, all year, talking about all the bad beats theyve taken. If u watch en uf poker,, uwill see some of the really good pros, in a tourney,, will take an awful beat, and just pay and move on with out tilting too.:) I think that sa good goal too,, to JUST NOT TILT, when it haooens to u and cont to play a good game still! ok GL all:)
i agree with you ricki! but sometimes bad beats are weakkkkkkkkkkk!
fuck bad beats! lol
sometimes i feel that it is good to vent about them.