here we go again you are just so sweet with your answers
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I was wondering the same thing, why all of the sudden the early PS tournament is free and has 300+ players, this is the only part I don't like, but it's allll gooood
too bad people from the united states cant play on it. come on goverment, its only poker.
holy fuck pokerstars is still online? didn't they rip people off? how the eff do u still play there if they rip mothas off?
instead, I say thank you US Gov.... for making illegal shit like that from reaching me here in the states
Unfortunately brazilians are still banned :(
I miss stars and ftp..hopefully the government will get their heads out of their ass\' soon!
its to bring more people into the site and maybe give someone whose busto a chance at a br... cant complain there
who doesnt miss stars/ftp... but at least were making headway with the man... baby steps!
I hope this will stop being done after may.